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  1. aaron7405

    What do you wish you never added to your tank?

    Sunpod mH 150 Watts I turn it on for the first time in my 10g nano reef it boild m y watter. Esmerald crab some times eats my coraline algae in the LR
  2. aaron7405

    Feelings on this lighting system?

    Im agree to, about to use a dual lamp, one lamp will not make it on a tank this big. Will be living a dark area. Beside 250 will be good enought
  3. aaron7405

    Calcium and Soft Corals

    Originally Posted by tahoetanks Any rec's for a salt that's a little lower in calc? I use Red Sea salt. Is good and phosphate free and allready have calcium, so you wont have to be aden some more. Well thats depend on your bioload, but if you are starting and you planing to put soft corals it...
  4. aaron7405

    Which starfish do I have ?

    Originally Posted by Budbrs So does anyone know what it is ? is a sand...disfter or shifter I dont know the exact word they like to hide on the sand by they and at night look for food, they like litle pices of fish or shrimp, turn them and put the food on the little legs you will see how...
  5. aaron7405

    ID Coral

    Originally Posted by steve24 i have two spots of something like that on a rock. i think it was murph or lion-crazz that said he thought it was maybe a Montipora nodosa. bad pic but it looks a little like yours... steve I dont think is montipora. I have red the montipora and is not as this...
  6. aaron7405

    ID Coral

    I have the same coral, dont know what is it, it came as hitchaker in a stone with some shrooms, when is dark they retrac to stone (more ile a spot) and when the ligth is full they really open and grows, can any body can tell as is is not majano? thanx a lot.
  7. aaron7405

    am i ready for a coral or anemone

    I will recoment you to read a book. any manual and find out whta the anemonies needs are, if you think you can handled (equipment and compromise to care it) and then go for it. But inform you about the anemonie than you are trying to buy. Many of us have learned from mistakes (include my sealf)...
  8. aaron7405

    Esmerald crab

    Originally Posted by Darthgoby My emeralds don't eat any of that stuff, including the bubble algae. I had one of them that even might have had red slime algae growing on his leg. What do they eat then???
  9. aaron7405

    Esmerald crab

    Originally Posted by Dawman You don`t want anything to eat or pop the bubble algae . When a bubble pops or punctured it releases a fluid and the algae will spread fast . Best thing to do is take the rock out and remove the bubble algae . I did I took tham by hand, but I just put the smerald in...
  10. aaron7405

    Esmerald crab

    What I have notice is than they are relly picking at the coral than is starting to form on the rock, they have been on my tank for 2 days and the rock start to look like bleach, I am going to put in on a friend thank than have some alguea problems.
  11. aaron7405

    Setting up a 55g reef

    one important question is your budget, to see what is next, you can star with the things you have now and improve later to a better filtration sistem. I think you will need a skimmer at some point, and one of the more important things is your ligths, so try to get the best you can, get some used...
  12. aaron7405

    Esmerald crab

    Hi there I just get two ameral crab to my nano, I saw 2 little bubble alguea in a rock with some corals, I took it outs carrefully by heand, and I get 2 esmeral crabs to control the bubble. My cuestion is: as the crab is alguea eater, will eat my coraline alguea?? is just starting (my tank is...
  13. aaron7405

    what kind of pump for a chiller?

    thank you sleasia I went for a Iwaki MD20RLXT Water Pump (Japanese Motor), I haven´t install anything yet, I just set it upt the tank and buying all than I will need. I was goint to put in online with my canaster filter (fluval 405), but I thought the pomp was too strong for it too. Im looking...
  14. aaron7405

    what kind of pump for a chiller?

    great advise about the eggcrete. but let put it this way, if the chiller where yours what pump would you install it? I want it to run Dry mode. About the tank size. I think is goint to pass some years before I upgrade to a bigger tank. and for now this suit my needs but I am totally agree with...
  15. aaron7405

    Current Sunpod ?????

    Thanx a lot. for the advise. I am upgrading to 55 G tank I allready bought a 250 w sunpod 20" SO I will use both there and I will set up the 10g as a quarentin tank.
  16. aaron7405

    what kind of pump for a chiller?

    Hi there Im buying a chiller but I need pump to runing, I will like to get a good, QUIET pump Im seting a 55g aquarium insed my livingroom. tell me some brans and models please I advise on a pump and what other thing I will need to install it. the chiller is this one 1/10 HP (Mini) Current USA...
  17. aaron7405

    Current Sunpod ?????

    Hi I have a Sunpod by Current USA, 20" (not 30" but you will get the Idea running) you can see more pics here It a very good ligth just be carefull to upgrade to MH because the heat is a lot. Yuo will have to put your ligth...
  18. aaron7405

    help please identification urgent

    they are at 0 for last 2 weeks
  19. aaron7405

    high Alkalinity

    thank you a lot.
  20. aaron7405

    help please identification urgent

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ You definatly have the lighting to keep an anemone, I just personnaly wouldnt risk it in such a young tank. they tend to do best in established tanks. diatoms will pass, they are usually a phase that comes then goes in new tanks due to fluctuations and everything...