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  1. bekahjo

    live sand/crushed coral

    Yes the two are mixed together in the tanks. I guess I can try to remove the coral from them and just use live sand for the bed. Thanks for your thoughts.
  2. bekahjo

    live sand/crushed coral

    I currently have 2 tanks set up a 55 and a 30 gal. When I set these up originally i was advised to use enough live sand and crushed coral to make a 2 to 3 inch bed. Now I am being told that causes problems with holding bacteria. Just wanted some advice or opinions please.
  3. bekahjo

    help please

    ok thanks I will, just have to find a different lfs the one he came from keeps his in a 55gal and had both of them in together.
  4. bekahjo

    Help Please

    Thanks everyone. Not sure what to do with the guy yet the lfs has his in a 55gal as well they were both together. I will check all the levels when I get home and thanks for the corrected name helped alot (again lfs) I'm going to try a different one to see if they can take it.
  5. bekahjo

    Help Please

    Yes it was added on Sunday. Which seems really quick after reading some of these posts.
  6. bekahjo

    help please

    I have been feeding frozen squid and frozen brine shrimp. It's probably 6-10" can you advise how much and how often to feed? Thanks for everything.
  7. bekahjo

    help please

    I recieved a 55gal tank about a month ago as a gift. I have kept a few small fish okay, however this weekend I recieved a bandit cat shark (I think) he is beautiful, but I want to make sure it is okay. It is baby we were told, he is not eating and he nevers leaves the castle. I have been...
  8. bekahjo

    Help Please

    Thanks, I have tried to search for information I am not able to find any. I have a 55gal that has 2 damsels, 1 clown, some hermit crabs, 2 emerald crabs, bta (been there a few days look bad, but still alive) and 2 starfish. I don't have very much live rock and I'm not sure if the pet shop is...
  9. bekahjo

    Help Please

    I'm really new to this, less then a month. I've been reading some of the posts for the last few days. And I am looking for some information on sharks (bandit cat shark) and general info on tanks. Always wanted one and recieved it as a gift, just kinda wingin it any assitance would be great.