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  1. goby_boy

    gobies info needed!!!

    When I first got into saltwater fish the second fish I got was a mandarian goby. I only had about 20 lbs of LR, and I didn't think it would make it. Because every one said you need at least 100 lbs of LR, but I've had mine for a year and a half. It is still doing fine and they will eat brine...
  2. goby_boy

    Need Help!!! Don't Know!!!

    I'm planning on buying a percula clown, but I don't know what type of anemone to buy. I would like to know which anemone is most compadable with the percula clown. Thanks for any replies. GOBY_BOY
  3. goby_boy

    Mix crushed coral with live sand???

    I thinking about starting a new tank, and I was woundering if it would effect the n.cycle and fish. I would like to know what you all think about my idea. Thanks for listening, Goby_boy :cool: