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  1. freedeemed

    best place to buy a few things

    Where is the best place to buy: 1) Peppermint Shrimp 2) Crabs (hermit / nonhermit) seem to be decent, but the shipping costs are currently pretty rediculous Thanks!
  2. freedeemed

    More developed tank, a couple questions

    Im not 100% sure, I am not at my house right now. What I do know is that it is a single bulb that has some blues in it, and is sorta a purplish tint
  3. freedeemed

    More developed tank, a couple questions

    I have a 10 gallon tank that has a clownfish, a spotted watchman goby, some liverock, a tiny zooanthid polyp colony, and some hermit crabs. I was looking to get an anemone, because I know the clownfish likes them. My question is this: What is a good anemone, that is pretty easy to keep, and...
  4. freedeemed

    A few quick questions

    1) My coral banded shrimp recently 'shed' his whole body, is this normal? 2) Since then, my CBS has dropped both of its claws, is this normal? 3) My tank has some brown that grows along the live rock and some of the glass, I've been told its 'diatoms,' do I need to get rid of it? If so, how...