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  1. wildcats

    DIY Reflector for Metal Halide

    Hello everyone! I'm about to install a 250w metal halide in my 65g tank but i need to make some kind of a reflector. Does anyone have any links, pics, or ideas on what I can use?? Wildcat
  2. wildcats

    diy float swithc and water top off

    Hello, Where did you get the diy plan or blue prints from? Do you have any pics?? Wildcat
  3. wildcats

    DIY calcium reactor

    hi everyone! Does anyone have any diy plans for a reactor? Or maybe some pics with instructions. I have been searching around but the ones I found are a bit confusing. Victor
  4. wildcats

    I think I made a mistake in buying MH

    I Plan on keeping a little bit of everything...soft...clams...etc... My hood is made from wood. It's a big box...i do have two 4" fans. One pulling air in and the other blowing out. Oh yeah the back of the hood is open, if that helps.
  5. wildcats

    I think I made a mistake in buying MH

    Hi there, I bought a PFO dual 250w metal halide system...but now I'm thinking it might be over kill for my tank. The tank is only 36" long X 20" high X 18" deep, it's a 65 gallon. It might be too much light!!! What do you think??? I will be using the MH with my 2 No lights.... Please give...
  6. wildcats

    Problem with PH

    ok...thank you all for input. I'm gonna get a new ph test kit this weekend and I will keep you updated with my problem. Wildcat PS: The tank has been setup for 5 months....
  7. wildcats

    Problem with PH

    Hello Everyone! For a couple of months I have been having problems with my Ph. The tank has been setup for about 3 months and for some reason the ph is off my scale. I am currently using a Hagen Test Kit. Everytime I do the test the color that shows up is between black and dark blue. So i...
  8. wildcats

    Lighting for 65g

    Hello everyone! I have finally got a very good price on lighting for my 65g tank! I plan on keeping a variety for different corals from soft to hard. I don't want to keep clams. Does this setup sound good to you! Dual 175w halides with 10 000k bulbs I also with use my NO flurecente for dawn...
  9. wildcats

    Lighting upgrade

    Hello everyone! Currently I have 36" long x 18" wide x 20" high tank with 2 NO flurecente lights. The tank right now is Fish only with about 90 of live rock. I will be starting a reef tank so it's time to upgrade the lighting. I don't have alot of money to spend right this was what I...
  10. wildcats

    SeaClone Modification

    I did all the mods! Mine works fine in my 65gal. I know people are gonna convince you on buying a cpr or a red sea....but all I can say is that for the money you can't go wrong.... Wildcat
  11. wildcats

    How thick should a spray bar be?

    Hello! I just about completed my sump, now it's time to do some plubbing!! I need to know how thick the pvc should be? This is what I have right now: 600gph overflow 20g sump with bio balls on one side Mag 7 return pump Now for plumbing, should I use a spray bar and where to place it...any...
  12. wildcats

    Is PVC all the same?

    I've seen PVC at home depot for alot cheeper than my pet store. Is it all the same or is there any different? Wildcat
  13. wildcats

    Help with sump and pump

    Hello everyone! I'm currently building a 20g sump with trickle filter in one corner. I need to know how many baffles I should use after the filter. Also what the flow of the water (over, under, over, etc...)? My other question is: What is a good quality pump (submergible) that can output...
  14. wildcats

    What Sump is right for 65g?

    Sounds good! How did you devide it up? What kind of a return pump do you use? Do you use bio balls? I know too many questions but I'm still a bit confused!!! But I do apreciate the help! Wildcat
  15. wildcats

    What Sump is right for 65g?

    Hi everyone! I have finally decided to add a sump to my 65g fowlr tank. Can anyone help me choose the right size and also the overflow (tank not drilled). Also can someone tell me of a good online place to purchase one? I would appreciate any advice, since I'm a bit blank on this subject...
  16. wildcats

    How often should I replace my flurecent bulbs?

    Hi there! I have never changed my bulbs yet. It's now been approx. 1 year since i first set up my tank. I only have two 36inch flurencent bulbs. When do I replace them? Can anybody help!! Maybe it's time to upgrade my light setup. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thankx Wildcat...