Search results

  1. lmblocker

    ****Freshwater Fish Emergency****

    Did the 3/4 tank change and the fishs' breathing level is back down from rapid to about normal. I checked the ammonia level and it came back extremely high so that seems to be the problem. Also, his pH was a little high. I told him to monitor it more and not put so many fish in there. The...
  2. lmblocker

    ****Freshwater Fish Emergency****

    many different mixed fish; i dont know the names off hand- I am a saltwater guy, i know nothing about freshwater fish names. How do you tell about the filter? filter wasnt totally clogged but was pretty full
  3. lmblocker

    ****Freshwater Fish Emergency****

    we are doing a 3/4 water change right now
  4. lmblocker

    ****Freshwater Fish Emergency****

    My dad had a 29 gal tank with a large number of freshwater fish. Overnight, he lost approx. 3/4 of his tank. Remaining fish are breathing rapidly with rapid fin movement but aren't swimming anywhere; they're just hovering. Any tips on what to immediately do would be appreciated. Also, tank is...
  5. lmblocker

    Pregnant Cleaner Shrimp

    haha ok sounds good. i guess even shrimp like to have a good time then. thanks for the reply
  6. lmblocker

    Want another clown

    thanks for the info. i added one in yesterday, so far so good with VERY little aggression between the two. I will let yall know how it turns out. thanks again
  7. lmblocker

    Added another clown..

    I added another percula clown yesterday. Though they were slightly (emphasize slightly) aggressive yesterday, both have just been hanging out today not seeming to bother one another. Both are eating normal (or what i guess is normal for the new one). Theyve only been in the tank for one day but...
  8. lmblocker

    Pregnant Cleaner Shrimp

    Hey, I noticed my cleaner shrimp is pregnant today and I was wondering if there is any way I can save these eggs? I have an extra aquarium I could set up and put her in it until she lays the eggs. What do you think of me doing that? I am new, any suggestions will be appreciated. Oh, this is what...
  9. lmblocker

    Want another clown

    Hey, yea its a true percula and about 2 1/2 maybe 3 inches long. You think it'll be alright to put another in? My local fish store just got some new ones in (sorry but I don't need more than one fish for now) that are much smaller than mine
  10. lmblocker

    Want another clown

    Hey, I've had two percula clowns for almost six months then one recently died. I'm not sure why, he didn't show signs of illness or stress just died. But that leaves me with one clown in the 29 gal. Can I add another Percula or will they not get along? What if I got one similar in size or does...