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  1. dalee26

    Brand New Colored Leather Tree Dying Please Help!

    Here is a pic of what it is looking like atm. If it is moved pieces of it go everywhere.
  2. dalee26

    Brand New Colored Leather Tree Dying Please Help!

    I received my colored leather tree from swf yesterday and it looks absolutely horrible. I acclimated it correctly for 3 hours just to be safe. It is bent over in my QT tank atm and rotting it looks like. Anything I can do to save it? My parameters are ideal and my SG is 1.0225. The temp is...
  3. dalee26

    Urchin Not Moving

    I have a purple urchin that is usually all over the tank, but ever since I got back from my baseball tourney trip to Puerto Rico he has not moved. It has been a week now. I tried to push him off of the perch he is on, but he is on that sucker pretty good and wedged in toward the back. I...
  4. dalee26

    Fire Shrimp

    My fire shrimp is roughly 2 months old. He has molted 4 times already and this morning I wake up to a dead skrimp. I removed him from the tank and he had a really rotten smell to him. As of this morning my CA=460 >> KH=12 >> PO=0 >> NO=20 >> PH=8.0 >> Ammonia=0.5 >>and the SG was a little...
  5. dalee26

    36 Gal Corner Tank

    I am so far rather content on the fish in the tank. There are: 1) Coral Beauty 2) Clown Fish 1) Black Velvet Damsel 2) Royal Gramma 1) 'Neil' Diamond Goby 1) Fire Shrimp 1) Green Tip Anenome 4) Large Turbo Snails 5) small snails of some sort 2) hermit crabs 2) weeee conchs 5) Fancy...
  6. dalee26

    Cleanup Crew did it's job

    He isn't in the overflow either, so I am waiting and peeping for him.
  7. dalee26

    Cleanup Crew did it's job I got my fish in some swf yesterday, and proprley acclimated them all. The fire shrimp did not make it to me even, so he is in a bag covered in salt frozen until I can get him mailed out. The other purpleback was just lying on it's side the whole afternoon and barely breathing. I...