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  1. jessica

    Adding fish...what order?

    You are correct to add fish every few weeks to a month. And is important to add them in batches. As for the powder blue tang, It is extremely aggressive toward others of its own kind. The naso tang is probably your best bet. It is easier to maintain. As for the purple tang getting along with the...
  2. jessica


    Thank you blender for your help, yes infact I do plan on putting in a bigger fish, a yellow tang. Was going to last week, but none of the yellow tangs were eating at the store. I'll have to wait till this weekend. I guess I will keep him for now.
  3. jessica


    I have a Royal Gramma that has been approaching several of my other fish, especially my newest addition a bi-colored blenny( but was doing it well before he joined). The problem is that he approches a fish with his jaw fully open, but will not bite, and will basicly sit on the fish until it...
  4. jessica


    I have kept 3 of 8 damsels fish that I had started out with. I found the yellowtail damsel quite docile with striking colors, and I kept a black and white stripe one. Without the dominos they seem to be quite happy and haven't had a problem with them.
  5. jessica

    water change

    I too, just finished my water change. A 10 to 20 percent water change should be done every two weeks. Every other day top up water levels with distilled water. But, please do not use bleach under any circumstances. Like stated before wire brushes, and just hot water to clean decorations.