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  1. ibanezic300

    Epaulette Shark F/S

    Bump TTT, She is still for sale, someone make me a reasonable offer. If you buy her now you will get 4 pounds of scallops and shrimp. Doesn't anybody want an awesome shark?
  2. ibanezic300

    Epaulette Shark F/S

    GNorman, thanks for the compliment. She is beautiful and it's not really that I have to get rid of her but she is becoming more and more work as she gets bigger.
  3. ibanezic300

    Epaulette Shark F/S

    Bump TTT, It has been a while and I was just checking to see if anyone was interested in her now. Thanks.
  4. ibanezic300

    Epaulette Shark F/S

    Mike22cha, my screen name there is the same as it is here IbanezIC300. I'm still trying to sell her but I may just start planning a pond now that she can move in to and then just keep her.
  5. ibanezic300

    Passer(King) Angel F/S Illinois

    redman1221, He has never nipped at my eppaulette shark because I have never given him a chance. The shark is in the big tank while the angel is in the small tank. I would not trust this angel with any shark since he did nip at a brown banded bamboo shark that I had. Any fish that sits still on...
  6. ibanezic300

    Passer(King) Angel F/S Illinois

    wanabebell, He has a decent temperment and has lived with a variety of fish. He would always chase my one yellow tang but never inflict any damage. I think he just enjoyed chasing the other fish since none of the fish ever had any nipped fins. With that said he would probably be much better...
  7. ibanezic300

    Epaulette Shark F/S

    MIKE22cha, Thanks for the reply. I actually belong to the site you are referencing and it just seems that no one there is ready for a shark either. The biggest issue with her is shipping, since she would need a large box packed with oxygen.
  8. ibanezic300

    Epaulette Shark F/S

    Bump, Is anyone interested in her? Make an offer!
  9. ibanezic300

    Passer(King) Angel F/S Illinois

    Bump, I am lowering the price to $100 obo. This is an awesome fish his color is amazing.
  10. ibanezic300

    Epaulette Shark F/S

    Well, I have decided to let go of my prized shark. It is a female and about 22" long. She has eaten anything and everything I have given her. I am looking to get $250.00 for her. I am not really in a rush to sell but I either have to get rid of her or my Passer Angel (for sale in another...
  11. ibanezic300

    Passer(King) Angel F/S Illinois

    Well, I was not quite sure what to ask for him since many places around me will ask upwards of $300 for one like this but that is why I am taking the best offer. I need to get rid of this fish or my shark that is in another tank.
  12. ibanezic300

    Passer(King) Angel F/S Illinois

    I am selling my beautiful Passer Angel due to the fact that his tank is being taken down. He is about 6-7" and is in full adult colors, pictures do not show his full potential. I am asking $150 obo for him. He would do great in an aggressive tank since he was certainly the king of mine until I...