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  1. youareafever

    anyone ever use the PH probe?

    yes, its very helpfull. as long as you calibrate it properly. i have one connected to a aqua jr. its nice. logs data for me through out the day so i can come back and see how my pH fluctuates over the day.
  2. youareafever

    kalkreactor or calcium reactor?

    hey wat up, can someone list the pro and cons of running a kalkreactor or calcium reactor. im limited to zoanthids and a few other types of anenomes. hawaii law is strict on coral.
  3. youareafever

    liverock to hawaii?

    does anyone know of anyone that ships liverock to hawaii?
  4. youareafever

    RO/DI unit from melevsreef?

    does anyone know if this unit is worth purchasing? its a 5 stage unit that if optimum condition are met will supposedly be able to produce 100 gallons of pure water. its from melevsreef web site. if you cant find it just google it.
  5. youareafever

    pump question help plz

    i was recommended to use the mag 9.5 pump for a refugium. originally i wanted to use the pan 100px. but if i were to use such a pump there would be no way i could avoid a elbow to the inlet in order to fit in the stand. what i need to know is how much heat would i expect would be exchanged with...
  6. youareafever

    pump help

    i have a total head pressure of around 4'. can anybody give me some pump suggestion if i want to have a flow of about 552 gph, with extra head pressure capability just in case of future addition. thanks
  7. youareafever

    sump design attempt

    hello peeps, this is some little design i put together. im starting my first saltwater tank and currently trying to plan everthing out. ive searched sumps and read a few books but still really dont know exactly how to design one. so i gave it a try and came up with these. there not good and i...
  8. youareafever

    more sump questions to be answered plz

    even though having a hole in my tank would be nice i just tested my glass to see if it was tempered and it turns out it is.... no hole drilling for instead im going to use a overflow box. this is were my question comes in, under my tank i would like one sump for filteration and what...
  9. youareafever

    sump question yo

    hey thanks for you quick response. i think im leaning towards the whole drilling method. but if i am going to do that, i have some more were to put the wholes, how big the wholes should be, how to set it up with plumbing and all. are there any books or helpfull sites out there...
  10. youareafever

    sump question yo

    hi, i have some questions about a sump and refugium. i have some knoweldge of what these two are. but i was wondering do u need two diffrent tanks or containers for each? and if you have a sump or refugium do u need something like a canister filter? also i read that if you dont initially have a...