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  1. kshmny925

    refugium not growing anymore

    well about 9 months ago i installed a refugium on my 90 gallon reef tank and in the first two weeks the chaeto grew to twice its size and everything was its not growing anymore???i know i have enough flow im pumping 1500 gallons an hour through the refugium....and its been about a...
  2. kshmny925

    acrylic shield for my 48' jebo

    the acrylic shield on my jebo shattered the other day while i was cleaning it anybody know of a good place to get a replacment?? thanks in advance.
  3. kshmny925

    Does anyone use an aerator in thier tanks

    my tank had that problem and now the corals are dying, some are already dead :( is there anything i can do to save the rest???? or is turning off the aerator the only way??? PLEASE HELP!!