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  1. bewaretheblond


    i have to get rid of my 80gal but i can't bear to lose all of it. i could prolly manage to keep the 10gal i had for quarantine. what could i put in there? i would keep about 10 lbs of rock, soft corals, and one clownfish. but after that i don't know how many of the inverts to keep. how many...
  2. bewaretheblond

    do you believe in quarantine?

    i quarantine everything, but i'm wondering if it's worth it. i hypo all the fish even if i don't see any spots, but only 3 out of 11 fish have made it. i'm obviously doing something wrong but i keep reading and researching and i can't figure out what it is. so after a year and a half all i...
  3. bewaretheblond

    t5 retrofits and splashing

    i have t5 retrofits that s-c-r-e-w into the top of the canopy. the canopy isn't very tall, and the bulbs are only 2-3 inches above the water. they didn't come with any kind of splash shield. the end caps are waterproof, but is it ok for the bulbs to keep getting splashed all the time? and at...
  4. bewaretheblond


    how about nassarius? or however you spell it. i always say NAS-a-ris but i know that's wrong
  5. bewaretheblond

    cycling dead rock

    i am moving my 75 tall into a shorter, wider 80 so i will have room for more rock. i bought 5 big pieces (about 60 lbs) of dead, completely dry, base rock that had been sitting on a shelf. i cleaned the dust off of it with the hose and put it in the new tank, with new, rinsed sand (not live)...
  6. bewaretheblond

    why's my clown so twitchy?

    mine never stop wiggling, even when they are supposed to be sleeping
  7. bewaretheblond

    quaratining snails

    i really need to get some more snails, turbos and cerinth snails, but i have a fish in my qt that's in hypo and her spots are not gone so it will be weeks till the qt is free again. so i was thinking, if it's only snails, could i put them in a 5 gal bucket with water from the dt, a powerhead...
  8. bewaretheblond

    is there pepperment shrimp?

    mine are a pain. they are great for the aipstasia, but after that's gone you are stuck with them. they make it make it nearly impossible to feed my brittle stars. the shrimp steal the food out of the tongs, and even out of the starfish's arms. i have to throw a bunch of food on the other side...
  9. bewaretheblond

    Foxface Lo??

    mine always stays black on the top, so that you can't see his spot. and he is always flicking his spines like he is nervous or something. he has been in the tank for about 3 months now and he never did that in the qt
  10. bewaretheblond

    black ich or stings?

    ah, thank you. i would say they are more like blotches
  11. bewaretheblond

    black ich or stings?

    my clowns suddenly have black spots all over them. i added some things (snails, crabs, rock) to the tank the other day that had been in quarantine 5 weeks. and now the black spots. my foxface doesn't have any spots at all, could he have stung the clowns? they have been together a couple...
  12. bewaretheblond

    snail id

    i'm not sure what you mean by that, the little ones are easy to pick off but the big one is so strong i had to pry her out of the styrofoam box with a plastic fork after she was done acclimating. no they are the fake nassarius obsoleta or whatever, i got some of those one time and these are...
  13. bewaretheblond

    snail id

    can anyone tell me if these snails are good or bad, they came in some chaeto. the big one is a little bigger than a quarter, and the smaller ones are like about the size of a nickel and they always stay at the top, half out of the water. thanks. [/IMG]
  14. bewaretheblond

    Okay you guys...jump into bed.

    i have one of those, he is about the size of a lima bean and every once in a while he climbs up the back of the tank with his little foot
  15. bewaretheblond

    tangs not surviving hypo

    oh it wasn't a bucket like a water bucket, it was an 18 gal rubbermaid thing which i thought was plenty big enough for a quarantine since i only get i fish at a time. the only biological filtration is the blue sponge thingie in the hob filter, what else can you have if you do hypo? it has been...
  16. bewaretheblond

    tangs not surviving hypo

    well i think he's a goner, he is flat on his side all day today. i am just waiting for him to stop breathing. and i did have an aquarium for qt but it was only 10 gal and hard to keep the water at the right parameters. so that's why i switched to the bucket cause i didn't have the money for...
  17. bewaretheblond

    tangs not surviving hypo

    oh dear, you are supposed to used 1.009 water to lower it? i did not understand that part in the instructions. i lowered it in 48 hours by replacing a couple gallons at a time out of the qt with ph-buffered RO water, 3 or 4 times a day for a complete 2 days. and he is still the same. i think...
  18. bewaretheblond

    tangs not surviving hypo

    he is the same. panting and doing that floating thing, like he does not have strength to swim. i don't have tests for calc and alk. i did a 4 gal water change today (with the same sg 1.009) in case it might help. i don't believe he has any spots but scopas tangs look kind of speckley so it is...
  19. bewaretheblond

    tangs not surviving hypo

    i didn't see any spots on him when i bought him, but there was a hippo tang at the store when i bought him covered with ich so i figured it must be in all their tanks. so that's why i started the hypo
  20. bewaretheblond

    tangs not surviving hypo

    with a refractometer, i calibrated it with RO water