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  1. diana79

    nitrates too high

    I believe its a corallife. Thanks for the info on the egg-crate; the guy in the store was telling me I'd have to have glass cut for it; one of the reasons the skimmer is still sitting there Whats your suggestion on the cleaning crew? Thanks again!!
  2. diana79

    nitrates too high

    This might be a dumb questions, but without a lid will any of the fish jump out? I heard fire fish can be jumpers? Is it ok to have no lid? Thanks, your really helping me out!!
  3. diana79

    nitrates too high

    Right now I do not have a skimmer hooked up. I bought one, but it doesn't fit with my lid and I can't return it so I'm sort of at a stand still with that. Right now I only have a "cascade" 100 gallon filter on it. Its one of the basic ones, it was on my freshwater before I converted it over. I'm...
  4. diana79

    nitrates too high

    So I tested the nitrates and they went down to 60. I think I've come to some conclusions and need advise. - Right now I have a crappy over the back filter, I think its time to break down and buy a good one. The only problem is I don't have anywhere to put a sump, so is there an over the back...
  5. diana79

    nitrates too high

    Thanks everyone!! What kind of frozen food would you recommend? I did about a 10 G water change last night and cleaned the sponges too. I have a rotating power head, but I have benn thinking about getting a small one for the botton of the tanks also. I was doing real good with keeping up on the...
  6. diana79

    nitrates too high

    This is my first posting so bare with me. I have a 40 gallon thats been up for about 7 months and doing great. The only thing I keep having trouble with is my nitrates. The amnonima and nitrites are at 0 and Ph at 8.3, nitrates at 80. So I am tiring to figure out if I have too many fish (2...