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  1. stingray7469

    65g reef journal

    very awesome. i am jealous
  2. stingray7469

    Replacing Bulbs

    This may sound like a stupid question, but how often are you supposed to change the light bulbs? I have a Nova Extreme T-5 Fixtures w/Lunar Lights. I've had it for about a year. Thought I'd ask... Thanks
  3. stingray7469

    what is your stock list

    in my 75 gallon i have: 1 percula clown 1 yellow tang 1 coral beauty 1 bicolor blenny 1 royal gramma 1 pink tip anemone 1 candycane coral 1 green ricordea mushroom polyp 1 pincushion urchin 10 astrea snails 5 scarlet hermit crabs 1 red gorgonian 1 yellow gorgonian
  4. stingray7469

    Algae Control!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!

    yea, but i condition it. i know you're not supposed to use tap water, but i cant afford any fancy equipment to treat the water before i mix it
  5. stingray7469

    Algae Control!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!

    I've been trying to get rid of a bad cyanobacteria problem for a LONG time and have had no success. it is driving my crazy. all my water parameters are ideal and still, the sh*t comes back. i keep the lighting time to about 6-8 hrs a day, cut way back on feeding, etc, etc, etc, etc. is there any...