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  1. wegonnagroove

    Do you believe in evolution?

    I really enjoy this attempt of sabotage towards evolution. You ignorant religious zealots entertain me. Evolution happens over a period of thousands, if not millions of years. Not spontaneously... You pro-God believers need to expand your perception. Stop thinking in hundreds of years and start...
  2. wegonnagroove

    How does one feed a snowflake eel?

    I just bought a snowflake eel and am wondering what and how I feed him
  3. wegonnagroove

    Condy Anemone behavior

    My condy anemone pulls himself into his orange foot about twice a day. Is this normal behavior? When he comes out he looks very healthy; thriving in fact. I wouldn't worry if I knew this was normal. Thanks for your comments
  4. wegonnagroove

    LTA won't attach

    Thank you for all the replies. I was thinking about getting another powerhead, but I thought too much water flow might stress out the smaller fish and the invertebrates. Should I put the other powerhead on the same side (the back/right of) the tank or should i put it on the opposite side (the...
  5. wegonnagroove

    LTA won't attach

    the LTA has circled the tank about once now and has hunkered down next to a good rock, but it's not attatched. I have a 200W powerhead that moves 145 gal per hour...flow is not a problem. And I got the water tested today and it came up perfect. Ammonia and Nitrite is at near 0 and my salinity is...
  6. wegonnagroove

    LTA won't attach

    I have a 55 gal with a 200W powerhead, about 20 lbs of live rock, white broken coral instead of sand, adequate lighting, and great water quality...It's got some tank mates too. A niger Trigger (the best one i've seen yet) percula clown two donmino damsels two blue damsels A yellow tang three...
  7. wegonnagroove

    LTA won't attach

    I've had my Long Tentacled Anemone for just over 2 months, and in that entire time it has never attached to anything. It moves around a lot, but never attaching. I have a condy anemone as well; it attached within seconds of being released into my tank! Can any of you seasoned tank vets help?