Search results

  1. korneydork1


    i am thinking of getting a 225 gallon aquarium and i was wondering all the equipment that i would need to make it a good reef tank. dimensions are 84" x 24" x 24".thanks
  2. korneydork1

    Which one is better?

    i know its kinda personal preference but i need some help deciding. 8 gallon biocube with sand pre-cycled saltwater and a heater lights and a heater 125$ 14 gallon nanocube 150$ 24 gallon nano cube heater maxi-jet 900 & 1200 pumps fresh live sand/14lbs of live rock 175$ Thanks.
  3. korneydork1

    100 gallon glass tank with 12 nano & equip

    willing to separate the nano from this i'd like to get one
  4. korneydork1

    FS 13g custom ZeroEdge nano tank

    pic please
  5. korneydork1

    24G JBJ NANO cube

    any pros or cons with the tanks lke that
  6. korneydork1

    24G JBJ NANO cube

    24G JBJ NANO cube with stand 200$ Items included: * One velvet damsel * 20 lbs of live rock * live sand * Rio 50 power head * Siphon and bucket * light timer found this onlinegood deal?? any pros or cons with the tank that any of you know about
  7. korneydork1

    Fish tank 40 gal, heater, filter, light, value $225 for $75

    picture? is it like the one in the link
  8. korneydork1

    aquapod and biocube

    i have found two tanks an aquapod 29 gallon for 195.(new) and a biocube 14 gal;lon for 159new also cant decide like the biocbe cause the wet/dry filter
  9. korneydork1


    ok i found a 14 gallon tank at walmart with amost every thing i was going to get a better pump. cant afford all the other things right now. wold the side filters work.
  10. korneydork1

    new 29 gal tank 4 sale

    how big is it size not gallons
  11. korneydork1

    55 gallon tank fs/ft ohio

    will you ship it
  12. korneydork1

    140g oceanic tank

    will you ship
  13. korneydork1

    125 reef tank for sale in ny

    how much? for tank