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  1. jeegan

    question on 230 stocking

    Have you thought about a Remora as opposed to a shark? I am no expert in them, by any means, but everything I have read says they get to just 18" long and active and hardier then sharks. I know the one I saw a few years back was very playful, bouncing all around the tank, he would follow you...
  2. jeegan

    29G FOWLR Questions

    I am using purified water for my tank. Is the Carbon bad though? I mean, is a person worse off to use carbon than better? I still plan to use the Emperor for Mechanical filtration, I will just use foam inserts instead of the foam/carbon inserts that come with the Emperor. Thanks for the info.
  3. jeegan

    29G FOWLR Questions

    The reason I am adding the Emperor is mainly so I don't have to clean the CPR as much. Cause I have the CPR 2R that has the foam piece in the bottom where the water return starts and pieces of stuff, that might normally get collected in the mechanical filter, collect there and clog it up after a...
  4. jeegan

    29G FOWLR Questions

    I currently have a 29 Gallon FOWLR setup that I plan on adding creatures to again, once I get some new lights. Anyway, I have 40 lbs of LR in the tank. I have like 4 crabs and 1 snail and a damsel in there right now. I use a CPR Skimmer and am adding an Emperor Filter for mechanical and chemical...
  5. jeegan

    Lighting and my 29 Gallon FOWLR

    I have a question about lighting for a 29 Gallon Fish Only tank that has Live Rock in it. I have a two bulb setup and am looking for the best lighting setup to promote the least amount of alge growth. The two lights I had went out a few weeks ago and I haven't replaced them yet, mainly because...