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  1. dknewyork

    Clown Triggerfish not eating

    Clown Triggerfish not eating. All the other fishes are fine. Change water regularly. Everything test fine. Eel died the same way. Just stopped eating for months and died.
  2. dknewyork

    Blue Lined Triggerfish (Fuscus) Updated Pics

    A picture of my Clown
  3. dknewyork

    Updated pics of my Fuscus (Blue Lined) Triggerfish

    When I first got him 3" About 1 year later and about 6"
  4. dknewyork

    Georgia Aquarium LOTS OF PICS

    Anyone from the Northeast that wants to go to Atlanta to visit the Georgia Aquarium, I seriously recommend going to the Baltimore Aquarium. That's if you're driving down. I didn't get a chance to see the North Carolina aquarium. I've been to the Virginia aquarium too. Very disappointing.
  5. dknewyork

    Georgia Aquarium LOTS OF PICS

    I got alot of pictures. If you around Georgia, I recommend you go and check it out. On the way back I also stopped of at Baltimore Aquarium. Got lots of pictures too.
  6. dknewyork

    Georgia Aquarium LOTS OF PICS

    Just went to the Georgia Aquarium. Got tons of pictures.
  7. dknewyork

    Two Hippo Tangs

    Yes you can.
  8. dknewyork

    Anyone know what this fish is

    Anyone know what this fish is
  9. dknewyork

    ID this fish

    Anybody know what this fish is?
  10. dknewyork

    My Blue Angelfish

    THX, I got him as an adult. He's in the 150 gallon
  11. dknewyork

    My Blue Angelfish

    My Blue Angelfish. Approx. 7"
  12. dknewyork

    Show off your triggers!!!

    My triggers. Clown Triggerfish Fuscus Humu Humu Titan Undulated
  13. dknewyork

    Whats your recommendation for a grouper?

    My favorite is my Argus (peacock, Blue spotted) Grouper
  14. dknewyork

    Aggressive Fish Pics. Eel, Triggers and puffer

    Originally Posted by prime311 Seems odd to me you mention your Puffer getting nipped at and then make a comment that you only have Groupers and Triggers in your tank, then you come back now and say you have a Puffer, Lion, and Tang again. Personally, I think your lying. Also, you failed to...
  15. dknewyork

    Aggressive Fish Pics. Eel, Triggers and puffer

    Originally Posted by dfabrikant You have like everything I want in my tank, did you put them in all together or add slowly cause I have a clown triggerfish and ready to add something if possible I added the clown as a juvi.- One of the 3 fishes from the beginning.- The 3 from the beginning is...
  16. dknewyork

    Most agressive for 180

    Titan Triggerfish. I got one. I had the same idea for one fish in one tank. He is about 3-4 inches. He grows very slow. I had him for about 6 months and he doesn't look like he grown at all. They grow almost the same rate as a Humu Humu. I have a Humu Humu for about almost a year already...
  17. dknewyork

    Post Pics Of Your Groupers
