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  1. colyergreg

    cleaner shrimp with Trigger fish

    does anybody want a couple of triggers? I want to move more to a reef type tank...
  2. colyergreg

    longest living fish?

    I was courious to what the average life of fish in Tanks are. I had a bursa trigger for 18 years. He died about 3 months ago. He was almost blind at the end. I called him grandpa. My Emperor angel lived for 8 years and a cleaner wrasse for about 7 (until my Picaso trigger ate him) I still...
  3. colyergreg

    who has several angels

    I had an majastic angle with an Emperor angel for over 8 years and they never fought. my tank was a 125 gallon...
  4. colyergreg

    cleaner shrimp with Trigger fish

    Does anybody have cleaner shrimp with triggers? I want to get a couple cleaner shrimp but I am afraid my picaso trigger will eat them. I have a clown trigger but it's pretty mellow. I had a cleaner wrasse for 7 years with the clown trigger but within a couple days of the picaso getting in the...
  5. colyergreg

    type of clown 4 Pink Tip Haitian Anemone

    Does anybody have a Pink Tip Haitian Anemone that hosts a clown? If so what type of clown fish is most likely to be able to host in this species. Thanks.