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  1. raiderred23

    Material for canopy

    yep thats it.....for such a catchy name, you would have thought i would remember.....what makes it a better material than glass
  2. raiderred23

    Material for canopy

    took my canopy off this weekend to drunk friend sat on it and broke the glass........ i vaguely remember somebody referencing a material used for fluorescent lighting on this's supposedly readily available...........can anybody help me.......if not, i'm thinking lexan...
  3. raiderred23

    Beginner Help

    I don't want to bug anyone with numerous threads there a so called "bible" book for corals? One that i can usually find an answer to just about any question a beginner might ask. Also, I ahave a 70 gallon reef tank witha coralife light plant (metal halide with the actinic and...