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  1. salteedog

    yellow tang aggression?

    my yel tang is showing a lil aggression towards a copperband nipping or anything just the occasional quick chase. Should i do something ?
  2. salteedog


    i feed at night also, my clown nearly jumps out of his skin when i walk downstairs, and my yel tang just screams around the tank. Another question... my yel tang is showing a lil aggression towards a copperband nipping or anything just the occasional quick chase. Should i do...
  3. salteedog


    is there a particular time that swf should be fed at? Morning, afternoon, or evening. Or is it better to be totally consistent throughout each day of the week?
  4. salteedog

    food for copperband

    whats a good food for a copperband butterfly? Flake, or mysa shrimp good?
  5. salteedog

    nitrate level help??

    thanks i wasnt sure, i heard some people saying 30 - 40 nitrates is high so i was looking for the correct info.
  6. salteedog

    nitrate level help??

    ammonia = 0 - .25ppm nitrite = 0ppm ph level 8.2 i just did a water change immediately after the test and changed about 35% of the water.
  7. salteedog

    nitrate level help??

    im a newbie, my 55g tank has a nitrate level of 15 ppm, i have a clownfish, yellow tang, copperband butterfly, and a spotted sweetlips. the nitrate level has been perfect for the last 4 months until this week end. Should i be alarmed?
  8. salteedog

    Clownfish fungus Yes/No?

    tried to zoom in a bit but thats the best i could get. Ive got a Koran angel, a Yellow tang, a peppermint shrimp, and some hermit crabs. I havent seen any aggressive behavior i from other fish. Also weekly water tests have been perfect since tank inception in early June. I also change the...
  9. salteedog

    I think its Lymphocyctis

    what happened with your clown, did it eventually disappear? Ive read that it goes away by itself
  10. salteedog

    Clownfish fungus Yes/No?

    My clown has about 6 of these on his body that just started about three weeks ago. They look like lymphocystis, but not sure.