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  1. cher

    Injured Anemone Crab

    Originally posted by KMatysek: Cher - Please post an update on your crab. Dying to know. He molted but hasn't yet grown any more legs. I couldn't find him yesterday so I'm hoping he's still okay. I've been told he would grow more legs - I hope he does before something gets him, if it...
  2. cher

    Behavior of Anemone

    Thanks for all the suggestions. The long tentacle anenome had a jelly like substance rising from his body this weekend and had shrunk to something unrecognizable so he's history now. The carpet still comes and goes. Any time I've tried to feed him directly - he takes the fish but later spits...
  3. cher

    Behavior of Anemone

    I don't have enough experience to know what might irritate them. The water tests fine. A cleaner shrimp likes to hang out around the carpet, the porcelain crab loved hanging out with him until he lost his legs (see separate post) and I had a maroon and yellow clown that liked both Pacific...
  4. cher

    Injured Anemone Crab

    He is molting now!! It is the strangest thing I ever expected to see in this tank!! It appears he has two bodies - the molting process may be a bit slower for him since he can't move around on his own. But he's still breathing and kicking the piece of leg he still has. Will he actually grow...
  5. cher

    Behavior of Anemone

    I have a fairly new (3 months) reef tank. In this tank I have a small long tentacle Pacific anemone and a medium sized Pacific carpet anemone. These go through changes each day (if not several times a day) where they shrink up and look like they are sick but then open back up beautifully. This...
  6. cher

    Injured Anemone Crab

    I have a fairly new (3 months) reef tank. My porcelain anemone crab was doing very well and happy living in the carpet anemone. Then one morning he had moved to rock beside the anemone and looked very weak. Later that day he disappeared. He reappeared a few days later missing all his claws...