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  1. tim86

    Happy!! Happy!!

    LOL nice, check out my first post... six years ago, trying to get the coralline algae going... :-p
  2. tim86

    I'm stumped.... Any suggestions?

    Wow lol, weird... is everything alright in your tank? If not then I would do a water change. If theres nothing noticeble then I would just leave it be for a week or two. I wouldent unplug the skimmer, just make sure you dont add any chemicals, and test it after the waiting period.
  3. tim86

    Light question

    Chalk up one more, for being from Texas :-)
  4. tim86

    euro sump vs. sump/fuge

    Well I havent heard of a euro-sump quite yet. Whos knows if its "correct". I think of them both as sumps, the only thing that is diffrent is the method of filtration contained in them. They make sumps that have both of those pictures rolled into one. Is that just a filter sock in the first one...
  5. tim86

    Sexual Caulerpa

    This is a little old, but what the heck... Pretty much all I have to say is do what works for you, just today I heard people going on and on about how chaeto is so much better, but I remeber before chaeto was popular and people still had awsome looking tanks on calurpa.
  6. tim86

    coralline alage???

    I am new too the saltwater world and wondering how too grow some coralline alage... like at the the stores! I am only 15 on a mcdonnalds buget lol soo I need cheaper ways please. email me back at thank you for your time