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  1. madtownman

    My 29 Biocube

    So, I am finally back to post some updates.. My tank has come a LONG way since I have posted here... I have a website that i have about 70 pics on, so PLEASE check it out!! Tell me what you think!!! The newest additions are a pokerstar monti, a...
  2. madtownman

    Madison, Wisconsin Frag Swap Jan 27

    Me too... Its also my first time...
  3. madtownman

    29gallon biocube mckevin's progress

    Look into upgrading the lighting in the hood. I have the 144 W upgrade, and you are able to have a wider range of things. I wouldnt go too nuts...even adding several pieces of coral at one time can send you into a mini cycle in such a small tank. I actually just had to throw 400 worth of...
  4. madtownman

    My 29 Biocube

    Thanks for all the input everybody!!! I did a 5 gallon water change yesterday, and the ALK is starting to come down a little... It was at 10, and all the other numbers were the same. The salinity is now at 1.026. I still currently use a hydrometer, but am planning on getting a...
  5. madtownman

    biocube help!

    If its that big of a thing that you dont use a heater..... I would pick a day that your home, and turn the heater down.... Keep an eye on it, and take it from there.. The only reason I dont run a heater is because I was running hot. Dont take it out until you are sure your temp wont fluctuate.
  6. madtownman

    Just a little help needed......

    I shall test tonight and post my results.. Thanks for the help so far...
  7. madtownman

    Just a little help needed......

    Thank you for your help so far.... I have not used the buffer in about a week, and since then done have done a 5 gallon water change. I do one about every week and a half, give or take a day.... I test everyday, and keep it in a log. Though I just started testing for ALK.. stupid me...
  8. madtownman

    biocube help!

    I agree.... you should keep yours... Mine seems to stay at a constant temp because of the pump motors in it.... With two pumps for waterflow, and two for the skimmer it stays constant.
  9. madtownman

    biocube help!

    and i do not use a heater.... and my tank is at a constant 81 degrees... But dont just listen to me....
  10. madtownman

    biocube help!

    I dont think that is too much flow at all... Maybe you should mess with the direction of the flow.... I have the same tank, and it doesnt seem like I can get enough flow in some areas.... I have upgraded the stock pump to a rio that pushes 420-367 gph, and an additional powerhead in the tank...
  11. madtownman

    Just a little help needed......

    My bulbs are 2 months old. I run the actnic for 1/2 an hour(5:45am), then one pc joins it for a 1/2 hour(6:15am). Then another pc and 50/50 joins it.(6:45), and 15 min later the actnic turns off(7:00am). The 50/50 and 2 pcs run until 6:00. At 5:30, the single pc turns off and the actnic...
  12. madtownman

    Just a little help needed......

    It seems like my mushrooms have been declining lately....... I dont understand why really.... Backround: I have a biocube29 with a sapphire skimmer updated stock pump to RIO 1400 additional penguin 145gph PH 144W light upgrade Heres my levels: Amm - 0 Nitrite- 0 Nitrate-20 p.H. - 8.0...
  13. madtownman

    My 29 Biocube

    I am returned...... Everything has been going good.... Except i have added a few things since all my levels were at zero for a few weeks..... The Mushrooms i have arnt very biganymore.. It seems like they are slowely declining.. Heres my levels: Amm - 0 Nitrite- 0 Nitrate-20 p.H. - 8.0...
  14. madtownman

    My 29 Biocube

    Yah... thats what im gonna do. Just wait it out, and tell the petstore that they need to do some tweaking. And filter changes. I can also go to a couple others, theyre just a lil out of the way. I dont really want to start mixing my own water. I dont have that kind of space. The...
  15. madtownman

    My 29 Biocube

    no i didnt add everything all at once. I did add three fish in a week That is what prolly did it. All of my corals were mucusing out, and looked like something bad. So i took them all and threw them. The cardinal died today. So that is the only fish down. I havnt done any tests yet...
  16. madtownman

    My 29 Biocube

    So i have done som more test today.... And theyre horrible!!!!!! ammonia is at 3.0 Nitrite - .25 Nitrate - 10 phosphate - 0 calcium - 450 Salt 1.024 ph 8.0 HORRIBLE!!!!!! But my QT is all at zeros, and ph at 8.2. And the fish are still alive. just no corals at all. And the...
  17. madtownman

    My 29 Biocube

    no fish. A starfish, 4 snails, cleaner shrimp, and all of the corals. Something happened, and i dont know what. So i have removed everything. Put the fish in the Hospital tank. The bangaii doesnt look too good. But everything else is good. I have had off work all week, but this afternoon...
  18. madtownman

    My 29 Biocube

    So heres my parameters: Ammonia-.5 Nitrate-0 Nitrite-0 pH-8.0 phoshates-0 calcium-460 saltalinity-1.024
  19. madtownman

    My 29 Biocube

    Thanks.. So i put in the lights yesterday.. wow. What a project. It only took me about 4 hours. ha ha. I have an electrical nightmare on my hands now that i need to fix. I also need to upgrade my pump in the third chamber now that i put a y splitter on the end of the outlet. While i...
  20. madtownman

    My 29 Biocube

    The cardinal seemed to eat a little of the mysis. My ammonia is at .5 now. I recieved all my goodies today in the mail. Got the 144W upgrade with 2 50/50's, better fans and variable option, and r2 moonlights. Its going to interesting putting it together tomorrow. I didnt recieve any...