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  1. badunn19

    Shrimp and lobster?

    So i have a purple lobster, and i was wondering if a cleaner shrimp would be ok around the lobster?
  2. badunn19

    so much algae

    Recently green algae has been growing everywhere! on my glass, my corals, the rocks. My ph and everything is fine but the algae still grows. Does anyone know why this is occurring or a way to get rid of it? thanks
  3. badunn19

    so much algae!

    recently, a lot of algae has been growing. On my rock, on my corals, and definitely on my sand! how do you keep the tank clean and how do you prevent the growth of algae also!?
  4. badunn19

    How to keep sand clean!

    Recently, my sand has gotten very dirty. I don't know if it's some sort of algae but theres a thin covering over it and the sand looks very brown. Is there any way to keep it clean!?
  5. badunn19

    Percula Clowns

    I have a pair of percula clowns and I have had them for about two months...however they only spend their time at the top of the tank and barely ever swim down. Also, they never go near my BTA. Does anybody have any suggestions or comments? thanks!
  6. badunn19

    BTA question

    I recently bought a BTA a few weeks ago. For about a day, it moved until it found a place behind a rock, making it very difficult to even see it. Is there any way i can move it without killing it? Second question, I have two percula clowns however they don't even go near the anemone. Is there...
  7. badunn19

    Corals and anemones

    Hello. I recently bought a 60 gallon tank and i want to transfer it into a reef tank. I was wondering if corals and anemones could be in the same tank without one being killed.
  8. badunn19

    Corals and anemones

    I just got a new tank and i wanted to make it a reef tank. I was wondering if corals and anemones could be put in the same tank together without one getting killed.