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  1. plp

    Cyno Bacteria and lighting

    Sorry, forgot some of the basics. PH 8.2, temp 78, tap water dechlorinated and aged, SG 1.022. Using sealab 28 for calcium and trace elements. Lights are +/- 1 month old. Lights 10 hrs for actinic 9 hours 10000k. Lunar the rest of the time. Circulation seems good. Howeve this stuff is growing...
  2. plp

    Cyno Bacteria and lighting

    40 Gal, Set up since July Ammonia - 0 Nitrites - 0 Nitrate - 10 Weekly 10% changes 192 watts PC lighting 10000K + actinic + lunar Wet/Dry Sea Reef Filter - Rio 2100 pump Sea Clone Protein skimmer 2 emerald crabs 1 anenome crab 1 Carpet anenome 1 sally lightfoot (never again) 2 domino damsels 2...
  3. plp

    Cyno Bacteria and lighting

    I've got a Rio2100 rated for 4-500GPH.
  4. plp

    Cleaner shrimp

    I've got a Coral Banded that doesn't really care to clean. Even when the fish back up to him and flutter and even lay on their sides. One the other hand... the skunk shrimp cleans my hand and anything else he can find...
  5. plp

    Cyno Bacteria and lighting

    After reviewing many threads on cyno bacteria, I'm convinced that's my problem. I see reference to reduced lighting. Should I reduce the lighting cycle on the actinic, or the 10000K or both?
  6. plp

    Snail being eaten by the hermit crabs

    I bought 50 extra shells when i got the reef package. If they are not compatible why would they sell them together? I guess live and learn. I don't seem to have problems with the emerald, porcelin or anenome crab. Are they problems too?
  7. plp

    Snail being eaten by the hermit crabs

    Originally I purchased a reef package from this site. Slowly but surely I'm down to 1 turbo from 10. One day I saw a horde of hermits on the Nassarius Snails. Now I see several hermit crabs running around with their shells. I just bought some more snails. Immediately the crabs swarmed on the...
  8. plp

    Decorator Crabs and Corals

    My decorator crab likes to remove polyps of some of my coral (Zoos - Green Center). The question is two fold. Will the polyps grow back on the rock? Will the polyps the crab has stuck on his back live and grow? It almost makes sense it could be a means of the corals spreading when the crab molts.
  9. plp

    Decorator Crabs and Coral

    My decorator Crab likes to remove polyps of some of my coral (Zoos - Green Center). The question is two fold. Will the polyps grow back on the rock? Will the polyps the crab has stuck on his back live and grow? It almost makes sense it could be a means of the corals spreading when the crab molts.
  10. plp

    why is my BTA like this?

    After some more research and an excellent website Dawman showed me, i think I have a good idea why my BTA in roaming. It started shortly after I got an anenome crab. This site has a good page on the crabs and anenomes. I really think that is...
  11. plp

    why is my BTA like this?

    I'll be looking into new lighting for my BTA.
  12. plp

    Yellow Polyps - Can they move on their own?

    They're really small. Each polyp is about the size of a grain of rice. Looks like a cluster of 3 or 4 together. Do you think I could be successfull? I don't want to hurt them. If that risk is too high could I just see if they attach on therir own?
  13. plp

    Yellow Polyps - Can they move on their own?

    I suspected that but it seems weird they move in and out from the LR on what appears to be a daily cycle. Any chace I might be able to get them to attach to some LR off the bottom? If so how?
  14. plp

    why is my BTA like this?

    I don't know if I offended anyone. I certainly did not intend to "hijack a thread". I commented on what I have seen from my anenome and which is not bubbling very often and it's tendence to roam. I am new to the message board so I guess I violated some educate. For that I apologize. Let me know...
  15. plp

    why is my BTA like this?

    Sorry if the thread is wandering. I can start a new one. I have a 50 gal tank. I can't recall the specifics on the lightling but have quite a few corals living successfully. Mushroom, Colt, Zoos,... Water flow is moderate to high. Only two fish Domino Damsels. Several inverts (Brittle...
  16. plp

    why is my BTA like this?

    I'm certainly not an expert but I have a small (4-5") BTA that moves all over the tank. sometime he even drifts in the current. He used to stay in one place but when I added an anenome crab, the BTA keeps moving. Usually with the crab riding along. I'm not sure if this is normal behavoir. The...
  17. plp

    Yellow Polyps - Can they move on their own?

    I bought two different pieces of rock with Yellow Polyps. One of the rocks, most of the polyps are gone (I'm guessing they got knocked off by the crabs). I see some on the substrate and curiousy they seem to move in and out of the LR. Do they have any means of locomotion or is it current and...