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  1. 75 gallon bow

    new horseshoe crab!

    I bought a horseshoe crab on sunday. I know they eat and shift throughout the sand. Also, I know they eat meaty foods. What hsould I feed it. I tried feeding krill yesterday and it floated away. I tried frozen shrimp and it also floated away. Any tips or any other food that would work?
  2. 75 gallon bow

    Clean up Crew

  3. 75 gallon bow

    Clean up Crew

    Thanks, that help's out alot. WHat do you know about Blue thriat trigger's? I know alot of triggers are bad for corals and cleaners. But, I have read they are the best. Would they work with all the shimp? Or is that a big negative
  4. 75 gallon bow

    Clean up Crew

    So pepperment are bad for reef? How big of a problem are crabs? Should I just have 1 cleaner shrimp and 1 fire shrimp compared instead of 2 cleaner shimp? Also which starfish are reef safe and which would you prefer? When would be a good time to start adding starter corals?
  5. 75 gallon bow

    Clean up Crew

    so would it be better to but my own package together. How many crabs would be good? Which ones should I get? Why different snails. Sorry I was aslso going to order the 50 empty shells. Should I hold off on the 2nd cleaner and get pepperment shrimp? Is the fire shrimp similar to what the cleaner...
  6. 75 gallon bow

    Clean up Crew

    Here is what's in the package by itself.... Quantity Scarlet Hermit Crab:20 Turbo/Astrea Snail: 20 Blueleg Hermit Crab:20 Emerald Crab: 3 Cleaner Shrimp: 1 Cleaner Clam: 2
  7. 75 gallon bow

    Clean up Crew

    I have a 72 Gallon tank. 70 pouns of live rock so far. Eventually I want to go reef. Currently I have a Yellow tang and 1 small cleaner shrimp. The tank has been up since November 3rd. I was looking at different clean up crew packages and I was leaning toward the big 20 + 1 reef package. Also, I...
  8. 75 gallon bow


    so just flake garlic food?
  9. 75 gallon bow


    the method was obviously not working.... now i set up a qt tank 5 days ago now i put my clowns in there before i went to work. If i left them in the display tank i knew they were rgonna die they were horrible looking. I hope they are ok i cant wait to go home. WHat should i do with the display...
  10. 75 gallon bow


    just a statement....... kinda pissed kinda sad.....
  11. 75 gallon bow


    it' official my powder blue died from ich yesterday and now my clows appear to have it really bad....
  12. 75 gallon bow

    Qt Tank

    so the powder blue wouldnt not like the copper treatment?
  13. 75 gallon bow

    Qt Tank

    I've been using stuff that is " reef safe" in the tank. I plan on using copper stuff in the qt tank. The powder blue is small-medium. What do you think?
  14. 75 gallon bow

    Qt Tank

    My powder blue has ich. I have been putting in chemicals into my display tank. he was getting better. But yeterday it looks worse. I set up a 10 gallon qt yesterday. Will it be big enough or do does it need to be bigger?
  15. 75 gallon bow

    power head question

    I have a 72 gallon tank. 70 poundds of live rock so far. I have a wet dry filter with a protein skimmer witihn having a small pump airating it. The pump returning the water to the tank moves the water around and some air. Also I havea fan inside.(I dont kniow the side or brand in at work.) They...
  16. 75 gallon bow


    I don't have a qt tank set up though.....
  17. 75 gallon bow


    where do i buy the garlic juice? and can i get formula 2 at any fish store? whats in formula 2 thats makes it good?
  18. 75 gallon bow


    Started my tank 3.5 weeks ago. Is my cycle done if.... temp 80 salinity .22 ph 8.3 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 20ppm I I was told cycle's are done when everything is at 0 and you have nitrates..... thanks in advance
  19. 75 gallon bow


  20. 75 gallon bow


    thanks! can get it at any fish store?