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  1. casper1969

    question on reef lighting

    Ok I am looking to set up a reef in the next few months so I am out shopping for the equiptment a little at a time. well Lighting seems to be a bit confusing everyone says use this type or that type you need x amount of watts ect... So here are my questions!!! 1. How many K's of light should the...
  2. casper1969

    New with questions

    ok I am just browsing the fish selection looking for good starter fish so I can have an idea of what is available nw heres my question. I want to have corals and Anemone + other inverts when selecting fish to go with the anemone does it just need to say reef safe or does it need to list the fish...
  3. casper1969

    New with questions

    I understand that this is gonna take a regular commitment and what I have budgeted and what I spend initially may be significantly diffrent but I have to have some kind oof cash frame in mind to start. I am willing to make the commitment and if it cost me an extra 300 for lights then I say let...
  4. casper1969

    New with questions

    why do you say fish and lr only and not other reef members 55gal should be ample after all people set up nano reefs Just curious where the thought that it shouldn't be a full reef comes from?
  5. casper1969

    New with questions

    Hi I am new here and am in the consideration stage of setting up a reef tank. I currently have a 55 gal with 6 african chilids in it. so my plan is to move the chilids to a twenty gallon and buy all new accessories for the 55 gal. My goal is to stay with in a budget of 500.00 to 700.00 dollars...