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  1. malaccai

    hermit crabs eating at fish?

    I am having the same problem.... Perfectly healthy fish......I've seen the hermit crabs gang up and eat them.... So far they got a Niger trigger while he was laying down in his spot to sleep, feather duster, and in the last 2 days, my barber shrimp (pulled off one of his arms first then finished...
  2. malaccai

    Clean Up Crew..

    So, since my new niger trigger just ate all of my shrimp, what other things can I use for clean up?.....I have a bunch of hermit crabs (and will he eat these too?) and a chocolate chip starfish (and is he safe as well?) Thanks!
  3. malaccai

    cleaner shrimp with aggressives?

    I just brought home a niger trigger yesterday and he ate 1 of my 2 peppermint shrimps.....I see the other one inbetween the coral, probably afraid to blink...Hopefully it will work out for my other shrimp but I doubt it.. *sniff* :(