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  1. smellslikefish

    Hard coral grew randomly?

    It's hard to the touch. Grew outta no where after 2 years. Can you identify this? Thanks.
  2. smellslikefish

    ID Plizzle

    Thanks, Is it ok that I have them all over my tank?
  3. smellslikefish

    ID Plizzle

    I have many small tubes in my tank. Theres a larger one in my sump and when I shine a flashlight on it a ceature retreats down his tube. All the tubes have some sort of web coming from the opening (that looks exactly like a spiders web) and can pull the web back into the tube. I'm guessing it's...
  4. smellslikefish

    How often to change RODI filters?

    My TDS reading is around 200 before the RODI and is now around 3 after. Thanks,
  5. smellslikefish

    How often to change RODI filters?

    Hello, I have a 90 gal system and I do monthly water changes. I have an Air Water Ice Compact III RODI unit. How often should I change the filters? Which filters do I need to change? Any insight would help. Thanks,
  6. smellslikefish

    What can I keep under a Nova Extreme Pro?

    I have a 72 gal tank. Can I keep most Sps and clams? thanks,
  7. smellslikefish

    Frag Tank Lighting

    Ok so, I took the 48 gallon fixture apart and cut it so I can have both 55watt bulbs over the 20gal. Do you think this will be anough light now?
  8. smellslikefish

    FS: 120 Gallon Reef Tank NJ

    Can I buy the clip on halide fixtures?
  9. smellslikefish

    Frag Tank Lighting

    The fixture is 48'' long so I'm going to have a 20gal and 15gal next to each other. So it will only be 55watts on each tank. Will this suffice if the softies are only about 6'' away from the light?
  10. smellslikefish

    Frag Tank Lighting

    I'm going to be setting up a 20 gal frag tank in the next few days. I have an old PC unit that I'm not using, I think its 110watt. Will this fixture be enough for softies if I put them very high up in the tank?
  11. smellslikefish

    Second time trying to ID

    I don't have the corals book. Thanks for the info, I'm going to see if you're right and if you are I'll start removing the stuff.
  12. smellslikefish

    Second time trying to ID

    Hmm I dont think its ever shiney. This stuff is showing up all over my tank.
  13. smellslikefish

    Second time trying to ID

    This is the second time I put pics of this up and no one could ID it. Let see if anyone can with better pics.
  14. smellslikefish

    Zoo fragging

    Cool, thanks for the info. Does anyone have any experience making their own cement plugs?
  15. smellslikefish

    Zoo fragging

    Can anyone help me out with this? I want to attempt to frag my zoos. I probably have over 100 polyps. Do I cut the zoos one polyp at a time and glue it to a rock? Also, If I were to make cement disks will I have to wait for them to cure before using them? If so, how should I cure them? Thanks,
  16. smellslikefish

    New Zoas means new fraggin project soon

    How do you frag Zoas? do you take the individual polyps off and glue them to some rubble? How do you get the polyps off?
  17. smellslikefish

    fragging plug recomendation?

    Originally Posted by Nano Reefer get a bunch of dixie plastic shot glass size cups, go to home depot and buy a bad of cement, pour the like 3/4 of an inch of cement into each dixie cup. let them dry and oak in vinegar for 48 hours, you now have an infinity of frag plug/plates/frag things for...
  18. smellslikefish

    Salt Q's

    Thanks sman. If I buy a different brand of salt can I do a complete water change with the new salt or should I gradually mix salts then completely switch to the new brand?