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  1. jwill275

    My 55gallon

    Charlie, Pictures look great, the xenia looks like it likes the middle of the tank. If I hear any deals on rock I'll let you know!
  2. jwill275

    Anenome Coral

    I have a 12 gal Nano tank that I would like to have an anenome host a percula clownfish. Any recommendations? Thanks
  3. jwill275

    glass canopy - nova extreme pro

    thanks to all I feel better about taing the glass canopy off, I really think it was reucing the amount of light reaching the tank. thanks
  4. jwill275

    glass canopy - nova extreme pro

    If it has a splash shield, why does it need the glass top?
  5. jwill275

    glass canopy - nova extreme pro

    I have a 125 (72") with a glass canopy (2- 36") the glass always get stained and is hard to clean. My light fixture is the 72" Nova Extreme Pro (12-T5's). Can I sit the fixture on the tank without the glass top? I thought I remeber reading that it needed the glass top. Thanks john
  6. jwill275

    Sea Star infestation

    My 125 tank is infested with the small sea stars. I've removed more than one hundred in the last two weeks and I'm certain there are as many still in the tank. They are consuming the corraline algae on my LR to the point that some of the rock is pure white. I'm thinking of using Harlequin...
  7. jwill275

    Cloudy Eye

    My Yellow tang has developed a cloudy eye see pics. Any recommendations?
  8. jwill275

    LIVE ROCK HELP - Asterinia?

    The LR in my tank has turned very, very white. The tank is a 125 gal; Nova Extreme Pro T5 lights (four months old); protien skimmer, phosban reactor 3 months; three Korilla power heads, water parameters; changed 65 gal over the last five weeks, use RODI; no amonia,nitrite, nitrate. dkh-8; salt...
  9. jwill275

    Cloudy/swollen eye

    My Yellow Tang has one eye that is swollen and cloudy. It's a relatively new member to the community, spent 3 weeks in a QT no issues. My water parameters are Salt 1.026 Temp 79 dkh 9 Amonia/nitrite/nitrate -0 Calcium 380-400 ph 8.4 I have four other fish - Blue Hippo / tomato clown / flame...
  10. jwill275

    Good or Bad?? Help

    A good part of my rock is white, are these the critters responsible? I do have many of them on the glass from time to time. The picture is a large example many of the others are much smaller.
  11. jwill275

    Hmmm Fish are leaving me o_0

    I lost a sailfin tang about four months ago. Gone - vanished!! No trace- I suspect my blue hippo tang harassed it and perhaps made it vulnerable to the brittle starfish hiding in the rocks- I have a 125 with atleast a dozen of these brittle starfish.
  12. jwill275

    Good or Bad?? Help

    I have many of these in my tank - are they god or bad? Thanks
  13. jwill275

    white starfish creatures

    I often see what appears to be white starfish on my tank glass. As I was doing a water change today I was using my baster to clean off the rock and what I thought at first was calcium chips turned out to be dozens of these little creatures. My rock has gotten very white over the last couple of...
  14. jwill275

    ID Help

    I just noticed short dark shoots comuing up from my rock and growing on a couple of sea shells. Are these any good? thanks you
  15. jwill275

    Corraline Algae gone white

    The algae was beginning to turn white before I went on vacation, my lights are on for 8 hours with the blue lights on one hour before and after
  16. jwill275

    Corraline Algae gone white

    I just returned from three weeks vacation and it appears that the corraline algae that is exposed to light (a 2 month old 6" T5 Nova Extreme Pro) has turned white. Any algae in the shade or not directly exposed is still purple. Is this normal. I'm going to check my magnesium this evening but...
  17. jwill275

    speks on my glass

    I noticed yesterday on one side of my 125 tank white specks on the glass. I took out my magnifying glass and had to look through the super magnifier in the glass to see what appears to be some type of bug. My first thought was a flatworm but these are whitish in color and like I said very...
  18. jwill275

    Brown Algae

    Originally Posted by tropills how old is your tank , how much do you feed , what do you feed , what salt do you use, tank temp , what filtration do you have , skimmer ????? need just a little more info tank is 7 months - feed every other day - feed frozen mysis - pellets - have a wet/dry...
  19. jwill275

    Brown Algae

    My tank just started showing this algae. I just tested my phosphate and it's off the charts over 1.0. This explains my zoas closing up! I have a 125 gal with over 100lbs of LR. My water is RO/DI with TDS readings of 0. Trits and Trats are 0, dkh 9.5. salt 1.025. I have only 3 fish, just...
  20. jwill275

    Help - Can you tell what may be wrong?

    Using T5 lighting Nova Extreme Pro. Corals are halway up in the tank (125gal) I've been moving the Korilla 3 PH back and forth - up and down looking to see if it made any difference. I have 2 Korilla 3's and one Korilla 2 in the tank as well as the retrn from my filter. I am fighting a mild...