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  1. darkgargoyle

    Is my Coral Beauty insane?

    I have heard that fish that are caught in the wild will do act like that due to lack of accalmation to captivity. I do not know if this is only a fresh water fish thing or if it applies to salt water fish also but if that is the case quite often the fish dies from being over stressed.
  2. darkgargoyle

    dead fish

    pan fry w/ a light butter sauce
  3. darkgargoyle

    HELP!! Nitrates 160

    If you have a problem overfeeding or excess food on the bottom maybe a coral banded shrimp or other type could help I am still new to this too but I have a coral banded shrimp and it is a total pig between it, my 3 hermit crabs and the bristle worm that came in my live rock my tank hardly ever...
  4. darkgargoyle

    i want to get a clown...need advice

    I was looking at pics online of clownfish and spotted a snowflake clownfish probably expencive tho .
  5. darkgargoyle

    i want to get a clown...need advice

    I have clarki and they are nice and inexpencive but I also like percula (i may have spelled that wrong) and i think the gold striped maroons are realy nice
  6. darkgargoyle


    it is a 30 gal tank and the bulb is 18watt coral sun brand actinic 420 and i have 2 clarki clown fish, a fire fish, and a few hermit crabs and snails the tank is doing well water tests come out good but I tend not to trust the pet store and prefer to get a second oppionion. My son bought me a...
  7. darkgargoyle


    I just bought a condilactis anemone and the person at the pet store recommended a light to me because i know that they need strong lighting but the light he recommended is a blue color light and the ones that they use in their tanks are standard white lights. So do i have to use the blue...
  8. darkgargoyle

    help with anemone

    I just bought a condilactis anemone and the person at the pet store recommended a light to me because i know that they need strong lighting but the light he recommended is a blue color light and the ones that they use in their tanks are standard white lights. So do i have to use the blue...
  9. darkgargoyle

    I need help

    Thanks for the responces the new problem is my larger clown fish will not leave it alone and keeps nipping at it will this stop or will one fish have to go?
  10. darkgargoyle

    I need help

    My cousin bought me a butterfly fish but when he gave it to me it was swimming slightly on its side my cousin said that the person at the pet store took a long time to get the fish from the tank and into the bag my question is could the fish have brain damage from being out of watter too long?
  11. darkgargoyle


    Someone told me that they need a special type of annenome for a host what type would that be and I got the fish at the same time but one is at least 2x the size of the other but both seem healthy is that normal. Thanks