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  1. gatorzone19

    Caulerpa with tangs and angels?

    I had a tank full of caulerpa prolifera and my French Angel and Rock Beauty Angel devoured all of it within a month.
  2. gatorzone19

    What do you think about a barracuda?

    If you want to lose a finger when feeding, then the Barracuda is the fish for you!
  3. gatorzone19

    My little success

    Im glad to say my Rock Beauty has been in my 55g Reef for 3 months. No STARVATION what so ever. He eats everything I put in the tank. Also I have had juvi French Angel in the 55g Reef. They do not fight and they havent nipped at any of the corals yet! AquaNight, hows your Rock Beauty doing...
  4. gatorzone19

    Keeping a Clam or LPS

    Got Two little Fishies 2 part calcium today.
  5. gatorzone19

    Keeping a Clam or LPS

    Originally Posted by Bountyhunter23 +1 Thanks
  6. gatorzone19

    Keeping a Clam or LPS

    Originally Posted by ER..MD I have a blue maxima I keep in the bottm of my red sea max (T5 x 6) that has doubled in size in 6 months.... Alll of my corals are doing well with this lighing.. frogspawn torch Green and red open brain hammer acans multiple montipora and acroporas etc... I don't...
  7. gatorzone19

    Keeping a Clam or LPS

    Originally Posted by jetskiking As far as most LPS you should be fine . As far as the clam goes I would recommend having more bulbs. If you try one I would go with the T.Deresa because they require the least light and the gigas would get too large. Also remember clams use a lot of calcium...
  8. gatorzone19

    Keeping a Clam or LPS

    Originally Posted by Bountyhunter23 I would also keep it up kinda high. I would never personally keep a clam in T5... But it can be done. Just do a ton of research on it. Ive really only seen it done on T5 fixtures with 6 bulbs. But yes as stated I would defiantly buy better bulbs. ATI is great...
  9. gatorzone19

    Keeping a Clam or LPS

    Originally Posted by meowzer If you want corals you need to test for calcium also.... W/O testing dosing should not be done...are your T5's HO??? You should also test alkalinity and magnesium Yes they are HO.
  10. gatorzone19

    Keeping a Clam or LPS

    I have a 55g Reef Aquarium with 4x54 Nova Extreme T5 Lighting. I have a Large HOB Refugium loaded with refugium with a Bak Pak protein skimmer which works surprisingly really well. I have a very healthy sebae anemone which has lived near the sandbed for about 1.5 years. I use NSW and do a...
  11. gatorzone19

    My little success

    I will make sure I include seaweed in his diet. Thanks
  12. gatorzone19

    My little success

    O and I saw more than 5 Rock Beauty's in less than 20ft of water. First time I have ever seen them this shallow.
  13. gatorzone19

    My little success

    Nice Angel! I caught a 2" Rock Beauty two weeks ago in 15ft of water with a monofilament hand net. I have him in a quarantine tank and he has been eating Ocean Nutrition Angel Formula, Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef, and New Life Spectrum Thera+A Pellets. He will begoing into a 55g tank with tons...
  14. gatorzone19

    longnose hawk

    Originally Posted by pleasants9 anyone had theirs gone carpet surfing? Mine did 8 days after buying him, and my tank is covered except for an inch and half area in the back for overflow. he was a sweet fish too Mine jumped out of the acclimation bucket, but he is still alive to this day.
  15. gatorzone19

    Galaxea Coral Loosing Polyps

    Originally Posted by Acrid I had this happen to my galaxia awhile ago. It turned about to be in too high of flow. Once we moved the powerhead, all the flesh and polyps came back within a month. Mine is not in very high flow. So I dont know.
  16. gatorzone19

    Galaxea Coral Loosing Polyps

    I have had a galaxea coral for about 4 months now. In the past couple of weeks I noticed 3 heads have lost their polyps and all I see is the skeleton. I am kinda new to corals so I dont really know what to do. What should I do? I will test the water again tomorrow but last time I checked...
  17. gatorzone19

    Kole Tang Breathing Hard Need Help ASAP

    Originally Posted by Beth Is the fish still willing to eat? If so, start feeding it food soaked in garlic. See the info on garlic in the FAQ Topic stickied to the top of the Disease Forum. Try the water changes, and feed 3x a day using the garlic. Lets see if he recovers on his own. Report...
  18. gatorzone19

    Kole Tang Breathing Hard Need Help ASAP

    Originally Posted by Beth What are your nitrite levels? I would do a 1 gal water change daily at this point, using water that has been mixed and aged for at least 2 days. Do you have any hide spots for him that tank? What are your sources of water circulation? Nitrites: 0 I have PVC fittings...
  19. gatorzone19

    Kole Tang Breathing Hard Need Help ASAP

    Parameters: Ammonia: 0 Nitrate: 10 Ph: 8.1 Temp: 80 He has been in a 10g quarantine for 1 week and been eating aggresively. I came home today to find him breathing rapidly and looks like he has popeye in one eye.There is no other fish in quarantine. He is now near the bottom breathing hard. What...
  20. gatorzone19

    HOB Fuge for 90gal

    Originally Posted by peddler Looking for a HOB rufuge for my 90 gal LR really haven't seen one was wondering if there is such a thing made. I got mine on the auction site. There are some good prices on them.