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  1. slcemc

    Porcupine Puffer with a sore?

    WOW! I got my from saltwaterfish and he was only and 1" long, he is now 9" long and my favorite. He is so much fun! My reef tank's glass broke on Wed and we are in the process of cleaning up the mess! I lost everything, there was glass and sand everywhere. YUCK.
  2. slcemc

    Porcupine Puffer with a sore?

    Thanks a million, I'll give it a shot! I lost my reef tank this week, it would kill me to lose him too.
  3. slcemc

    Porcupine Puffer with a sore?

    I have Melafix, not the Marine. Do you think that will work?
  4. slcemc

    Porcupine Puffer with a sore?

    I have inverts in the tank, will they be harmed?
  5. slcemc

    Porcupine Puffer with a sore?

    Can anyone suggest something to help with my puffer?
  6. slcemc

    Porcupine Puffer with a sore?

    I've attached two pictures of the sore on my puffer. Hope they help.
  7. slcemc

    Porcupine Puffer with a sore?

    The damsel has been with the puffer for 5yrs, he was my test fish to see if both of my puffers tanks had cycled properly. I will try to get a picture of it and post if, my puffer is a little camera shy.
  8. slcemc

    Porcupine Puffer with a sore?

    Only two other fish in the tank with him, one is a 4 stripe damsel and the other is a convict gobie. Everything else; a chocolate chip star & two pincushion urchins. He ate last night when I fed him.
  9. slcemc

    Porcupine Puffer with a sore?

    I have a 5yr old Porcupine Puffer with what looks like a sore behind his eye and in front of his gill. It doesn't appear to be an open sore, yet. Has anyone ran across a similar problem with the Puffer? What can I do?
  10. slcemc

    Porcupine Puffer with a sore?

    I have a 5yr old Porcupine Puffer that appears to have a sore behind his eye and infront of his gill. It doesn't appear to be an open sore, yet. Is there anything I can do?
  11. slcemc

    Porcupine Puffer & a Chocolate Star

    KJR TRIG, Thanks!! I will do my best to get him to eat something else. I have silversides that I've been cutting up and trying to feed him, but he just swims in the opposite directions. Maybe a day or two of no krill will help. I hate the thought of ripping apart the reef tank, that is such a chore!
  12. slcemc

    Porcupine Puffer & a Chocolate Star

    kjr trig, thanks. I know he's big, he lived in a 10 gallon for a very long time. i've been throwing around the idea of moving my reef into the 45 and Blout into the 55, but then I have a problem of what to do with the 18" Snowflake eel I have in the reef tank. I already have 7 tanks in the...
  13. slcemc

    Porcupine Puffer & a Chocolate Star

    I would like to put a Chocolate Chip Star in a 45 gallon tank with a Porcupine Puffer. The only other fish in this tank is a 4 stripe Damsel. The Puffer is approx 8" long and only eats freeze dried krill. Has anyone tried this before?