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  1. guymn999

    PLZ HELp science expiriment

    tank is running, has been for over a year now, i got 40lbs of live sand and 50 lbs of live rock to work with
  2. guymn999

    PLZ HELp science expiriment

    the pond does not use any filtration, uses live rock and live sand, also my teacher would prefer us to keep the shark so no worries about what we are doing with it is in good care!:) also what would be the best way to arrange the tank? i know it likes a caveto sit in but should i have a lot of...
  3. guymn999

    PLZ HELp science expiriment

    the budget is not a problem we have a good skimmer the tank is filled with live sand and live rock the pond is about 4'x5' 2feet deep we are going to have to sell the sark back when we are done
  4. guymn999

    PLZ HELp science expiriment

    [hr] Hello, i am a senior taking an aquatic science class, we have been assigned an original experiment in the subject, my team has chosen to do behavior of cat sharks i under stand there are different types. im asking what would be the best for us to get? I am guessing a marbled or a bamboo we...
  5. guymn999

    PLZ HELP need advice for raising shark

    Hello, i am a senior taking an aquatic science class, we have been assigned an original experiment in the subject, my team has chosen to do behavior of cat sharks i under stand there are different types. im asking what would be the best for us to get? I am guessing a marbled or a bamboo we have...