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  1. kat45

    Help! My Clown Fish Has One Big Eye!

    i woke up this morning and i looked at the tank and it has one eye buldging out of its socket.... it seems to still be swimming fine though .. but what happened to his eye!??! and what can i do to fix it ? PLEASE HELP!
  2. kat45


    haha thats pretty cool =] thanks guys
  3. kat45


    umm just a question.... is it normal for my cleaner shrimp to climb ontop of my fish and clean their gills?!?!?! i donno cuz it looks kinda weird
  4. kat45

    ICH! please help

    well ive had my tank set up for about 2 months now and it was fine till now... theres all these bubble things on 2 of my fish which i later found out is ich... how do i fix it?!?!?! also... i dont know why but i got 5 clown fish a while ago and they all died one by one.... i dont know why. then...