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  1. karl nyhus

    Additions To My 90 G F/O tank

    I currently have a 90 gallon tank cuurent live stock is one Majestic Angel One Purple Tang. I recently lost an Asfur angel and A Nasu Tang. Was this to many? Both the fish died within two days of each other. With no signs of disstress, The first sign was I noticed the Nasu did not eat the next...
  2. karl nyhus


    I wold advise against putting the the two angels together both you mentioned are teritorial and will fight inturn causing stress witch may affect other fish. I would stick to one angel and one tang.
  3. karl nyhus

    URGHH!!!!!!! I am so frustrated

    Yes waht looked like gasoline was inturn the illusion of the pure tap water to the saltwater, providing the temp was the same Temputure varyations will cause that effect as well. Your salinity should stay fairly constant. Remember salt does not evaperate only water so you should not add...
  4. karl nyhus

    Cloudy Water

    Yes my water is still cloudy. Upon further research I was told the product was good but needed to be used carefully. The cloudyness i am seing is the dye off of the red alge inturn causing the ammonia spike. what i was told unfortunatly after I used the product was to remove as mutch as the...
  5. karl nyhus

    Cloudy Water

    I have been battiling a certain cyno bacteria (red alge) I have tried every thing i can think off to weekly water changes,With the use of R/o water,running carbon. I have an E.T.S evolution 500 protien skimmer. I use a 15watt U.V. light made by Aqua. All levels including...