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  1. damsel luver

    too small?

    i have 2 blood red shrimps which are about 6-7 cm long and my 2 pacific cleaners are about 3-4 cm long. i have an emperor angel(which is very rough with food) a foxface(with sharp teeth). r they safe 2 put in my dt?
  2. damsel luver


    r foxfaces scaleless? mine scratches himself and gets wierd markings on himself, 2hours later they leave.
  3. damsel luver

    copper and fire gobbies?

    can i treat my fire gobbies with copper if they develop ick?(ive heard u cant use copper on mandarin gobbies, scaleless fish etc..)
  4. damsel luver

    purple firegobby and royal gramma

    sorry i havnt been on 4 a while. got exams. anyway i bought 2 purple firegobbies 2 normal fire gobies and a royal gramma. the puple firegobbies and the royal gramma were quarantined in the same tank in the fish store(they quarantine the fish 4 u). should i quarantine them together or not? i have...
  5. damsel luver

    I need info

    my 2 new blood red shrimps used 2 hate each other (4 2 days) and my mum walked past and saw them rubbing tails with each other and now they sleep under the same rock. i think they are different sexes because they are different shades of red. could they be mating and if yes what should i do with...
  6. damsel luver

    What should i do?

    My 2 new blood red shrimps have come from a tank with ick and one of them has a black spot/ hole on it. should i extend the quarentine period?
  7. damsel luver

    Attention Beth and Sepulation: Shrimp question

    Beth mentioned something about pods that host shrimps. how long can they survive for without fish?
  8. damsel luver

    Clown Fish Names

    I just purchased 2 new clown fish. Could anyone suggest some names for them please?
  9. damsel luver

    funny stories

    do any of your fish do any thing funny? if they do plz limit 2 the ammount of stories you can put on coz i love funny stories about fish.
  10. damsel luver

    Bob, my hermet crab. What should i feed him

    i was wondering if any1 knows wat i can feed my hermet crab other than invert food. plz tell me all u know.
  11. damsel luver

    Earth day

    The city i live in is celebrating earth day by cutting off the electricity for an hour so what should i do about the filter and skimmer coz i cant buy a generator in time. wat should i do?
  12. damsel luver

    Pesty Pests

    i had my qt and dead dry coral outside trying 2 sun dry it. the bad bit is people from the pest control authorities came round spraying pest control stuff all over the place in a compound near me but the smell reached us. can any1 tell me wat 2 do?
  13. damsel luver

    Pesty Pests

    i had my qt and dead dry coral outside trying 2 sun dry it. the bad bit is people from the pest control authorities came round spraying pest control stuff all over the place in a compound near me but the smell reached us. can any1 tell me wat 2 do?
  14. damsel luver

    damsels dancing?

    Can any1 tell me wat it means wen a damsel shakes its tail at super fast speed in another fish's face? 1 of my damsels constantly shakes her tail in my angelfish's face and my other damsel shakes her tail in the first damsels face after damsel 1 hits her. does any1 no wat dis means?