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  1. brandino83

    Will this support an anemone?

    Originally Posted by spanko Probably could keep a nem. If it were me I would look for a RBTA or a GBTA. Maybe others will chime in here though. I think I'll look at getting a GBT... I have some coral already in my tank (mushrooms, Zoas...just softies) could the nem harm any of them?
  2. brandino83

    Will this support an anemone?

    Originally Posted by spanko Here are some excerpts from an article by Robert Toonen entitled Aquarium Invertabrates. Google for th efull article, Interesting reading. The following is only a taste please go read the entire article. Tube anemones are not anemones by the way. Tube anemones can...
  3. brandino83

    Will this support an anemone?

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark Geissman? I am assuming you are referring too...but yes if they are t-5's HO with individual reflectors on a std 55 gal tank you will be fine with an anemone. But not all types, some require even higher light than you have so like what was stated a BTA is...
  4. brandino83

    Will this support an anemone?

    Cool! My LFS told me I could keep a GBT, but I take everything they tell me with a grain of salt and come home and research everything first. If I couldn't have a BT, could i have a Tube Anemone - I was thinking either lavander or green. My fiancee would love the Lavander.
  5. brandino83

    Will this support an anemone?

    Originally Posted by spanko Probably need more info. Is the 54 watts for each bulb? Are they T5's or PC's? How big is the tank they ar over? How long are th bulbs - tank? Sorry, I should have been more specific. 54watts for each bulb, they are t5's, the tank is 48 in. long...It's a...
  6. brandino83

    Will this support an anemone?

    Will my light support an anemone? I have 4 (54W) bulbs with individual reflectors? If so what types? My tank is getting close to it's 1st B-Day and thought I would do some research to see if I could have one. Oh-yeah it's a 55 gallon with 2 clowns 60 LBS of LR, and 60LBS of LS THANKS!!
  7. brandino83

    Starting an 18 gallon Tank....

    I just recently purchased an 18 gallon tank....I've been helping my gf ever since she got her 55 so I finally decided it was my turn! I bought 20LBS of LS and put a cup full of her sand in my tank. I just ordered some tonga branch and am using a couple pieces of her LR (for now...before she...
  8. brandino83

    Is this too much to add at one time?

    She has (4) 54 watt t5 lights retro fitted, with individual reflectors. We don't have any fish yet...just hermits....we jumped in to soon at the beginning and got a clown and it died due to an ammonia spike so she's holding off on getting a fish till she's 100% sure.
  9. brandino83

    Is this too much to add at one time?

    My GF set up our 55 gallon tank around October, and we've been putting LR in ever since so we have around 75 LBS of LR...We have a pretty awesome light...Not sure what kind it is....But the they guy who sold it to her said she would be able to keep anything she wanted....anyway... She ordered 4...