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  1. megan84

    how much and how often to feed?

    good call, thanks. Any suggestions on how to separate that wrasse from the others so everyone gets a chance to eat?
  2. megan84

    how much and how often to feed?

    Hey everyone! Wow, it's been awhile... So...I have a 125 with about 100 lbs of LR, 60 lbs of RS, 8 black and gold chromis, a coral beauty, a cortez wrasse, a red serpant starfish, a brittle starfish, god knows how many hermit crabs and turbo snails, 5 emerald crabs, and used to have 5 but down...
  3. megan84

    Algae in new tank

    I use RO/DI water, and no CUC yet...I was told to wait a month to 6 weeks because they wouldn't have anything to eat. I bet I have enough for them to eat now! What is the recommendation for a CUC for a 125? No reef right now, MAYBE down the line if all goes well
  4. megan84

    Algae in new tank

    Hey guys...It's been awhile! I finally have my tank filled, fish in it, sump working, lights on, sand and rock in...wooo!!! It's been running for about a month now (two months including the cycle) and tada!! Brown algae...all over the place. I have a 125 wtih about 120 lbs of LR, a 1'' sand...
  5. megan84

    Pump problems

    Ok, maybe one day I'll actually get this whole physics thing figured out. Until then, I'm really glad you guys are here to help! Ok...bought my wet/dry from my LFS for my 125. I know that I want corals down the line so I'm looking to turn over my tank about 20x hr. When I bought my wet/dry, I...
  6. megan84

    new to mixing my own saltwater

    oh my gosh! stop spending your money on the premixed stuff! You're sure it doesn't have a ratio on the container of sea salt? I use Instant Ocean and I use 1/2 cup per gallon of water to give me a specific gravity of 1.026. Yep, just fill your bucket, make sure you keep track of how many...
  7. megan84

    Live or Dead rock! Need quick answer!

    what were his levels like in the tank when you took the rock out? if they weren't totally whacked out I would say go ahead and put them in your tank. You don't have any fish in the tank the rock is going into right? Just the same crabs that you rescued (I bet they say thank you by the way :)
  8. megan84

    Question about purchasing live rock

    I purchased all my rock from SWF (about 125 lbs) and it is fabulous quality, not many hitchikers but really beautiful rock. They did a good job of varying the sizes. I got some big (maybe 5 or 10 lb) pieces and a bunch of smaller (maybe 1/2 to 2 lbs) pieces. I would suggest to maybe buy the...
  9. megan84

    to buy a complete setup, good idea?

    Yeah, it's cheaper but I think you'll run into more issues especially because you've never done it before. This is my first saltwater experience too and I can say that I've learned SO SO SO much from just doing it myself (I made my first siphon today...and asked about fifteen questions in the...
  10. megan84

    starting the overflow

    you guys are so fabulous. Thanks for putting up with my newbie-ness :)
  11. megan84

    starting the overflow

    AND the heck do you get that small bubble out?? I can get my siphon to flow....veeeeeeeeeerrrrrrry slowly. I can suck all the air but that little bubble right at the bend of the U. I'm thinking this is why my siphon pun intended....
  12. megan84

    starting the overflow

    In order for a siphon to work, there can be absolutely no air bubbles right? Not even a little one, no air bubbles at all. If there's a small bubble right at the top of the U, that will break the siphon right? I'm learning a lesson in patience today Grrrr
  13. megan84

    starting the overflow

    DUH!! Oh my, sometimes my lack of thinking things through is really just scary. I didn't have water in both sides. Just the side in my tank. DUH DUH DUH. thanks :)
  14. megan84

    starting the overflow

    After much sitting on my hands, I'm FINALLY ready to get my tank up and going. I have two overflows running to my wet/dry but can't seem to get the siphon started :( The guy at my LFS explained it all to me when I bought my wet/dry and overflows but it's not working! I have a 3/4" U tube for...
  15. megan84

    About ordering from SWF

    wow...just an doesn't work on LR or LS. just fish i guess. Bummer dude :(
  16. megan84

    About ordering from SWF

    Sorry guys, this isn't really a new hobbyist question but I didn't know where it really fit. I have a $30 credit for SWF from a previous purchase. I'm about to make another purchase but I'm not sure how to use the credit. It doesn't automatically take it off my total and i can't seem to find...
  17. megan84

    Moving quesitons

    Originally Posted by sk8shorty01 . I just moved two weeks ago and did this with both my 220 gallon and my 55 gallon reef and I did not have a problem with either. Good luck! oh my moved with your 220?! I'm sorry!!! I hope it wasn't too far or anything. I'm absolutely dredding...
  18. megan84

    Need suggestion for lowering salinity safely

    I think SWF used to sell them but stopped. Like the above post, I got mine off that bidding site for about $40 after shipping and everything. But make sure 1-it is accurate at your temp range (it will say in the ad) and 2-that it is for salinity. There are ones for sugar in fruit, beer, lots...
  19. megan84

    Curing Live Rock

    I have been waiting for my RO/DI unit and my filter for my tank, in the mean time, I've been curing my rock in rubbermaid tubs with a small heater and a powerhead. I have about 20 pounds of rock in about 7 gallons of water in a rubbermaid. My ammonia is going crazy. About two days after I put...
  20. megan84

    Thinking of buying LR from they pack heat packs?

    I agree with cmaxwell. I just ordered about 75 lbs from here and it came early early on the 2nd day, was in great shape, surrounded by wet newspaper. One of the packages was in a 'live fish' box so it was insulated with styrofoam as well. I live in Chicago so it's cold here all the time too.