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  1. dankreef

    Bad/Predatory Copepods

    Then yea, do it.
  2. dankreef

    Bad/Predatory Copepods

    Most copapods live off of plankton and some agal. I do not think that a non tropical copapod would be a good addition to a reef tank when considering thier specicfic live history stratagies, niche breadth, and different physiological biolimitations.
  3. dankreef

    turbo snails??

    Feather dusters are invertabrate filter feeding worms that will open up as a feather and filter the water for plankton. Many inverts, micro-crustations, and decapods just to name a few will "hitchhike" on your live rock along with nitrobacter.
  4. dankreef

    HELP!! Too many particles in my tank

    A diatom Filter is one with very small filter pores that trap just about everything, this is why it is used for "seasonal cleaning" and is not ment to be ran alll the time. It has the ability to capture diatoms which are the brown hairy slime you see in some tanks.
  5. dankreef

    HELP!! Too many particles in my tank

    The diatom filtewr is a good idea aswell with small micron filter size you should be able to clear your tank in no time.
  6. dankreef

    reef salt--what brands are recommended

    Marineland salts, Tropic Marin salts, Kent, Seachem Salts are some of the best in my opinion.
  7. dankreef

    HELP!! Too many particles in my tank

    If it is biomatter I would suggest a UV system to help nuke in small organic material. We use them on our reefs and they stay crystal clear.