Search results

  1. g r i p

    What are some small fish that are colorful and can fit in a 12 Gallon tank?

    Hoorah! I need to find fish like so fast bc my like bff like just started a tank and he like wanted to like know like what would like fit you know what i am sayinn?
  2. g r i p

    What are those one fish that are like super small and stay super small?

    They are like a yellow and also a black one?? They stay super small and they are cool...I know i've seen them before but i forget what they are called....please help! thanks
  3. g r i p

    29 Gallon Biocube

    ok...could i put a cherub or coral beauty angel in my tank? (with the clowns and maybe a royal gramma)???
  4. g r i p

    29 Gallon Biocube

    so could i put any coral under stock lights?
  5. g r i p

    29 Gallon Biocube

    anyways, any ideas on fish?
  6. g r i p

    29 Gallon Biocube

    OH awesome
  7. g r i p

    29 Gallon Biocube

    What about corals and stock lights on the 29g biocube
  8. g r i p

    29 Gallon Biocube

    Anyone elses opinion?
  9. g r i p

    29 Gallon Biocube

  10. g r i p

    29 Gallon Biocube

    Hey everyone...I am saving up for a 29g biocube and I need help with the stock list. For fish, I had been thinking: 1 Black false percula clown 1 Orange false percula clown And 2-3 other fish...but I can't decide what to get. can anyone help? And for inverts... 35-40 lbs of LR Pom-Pom Crab...