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  1. toxic_deviant

    Help figuring out what this is

    One of my pieces of LR did the same thing. It opened up, so I brought it to to my Local Reef Specialty store. They said it was a mussel.
  2. toxic_deviant

    Blood Shrimp died.... :(

    The new shrimp was drip acclimated on Thursday. Eating and behaving normally. I get my salt pre-mixed and aged from my Local Reef Specialty store. I'll get a small heater since my temp is too low. I was under the assumption that between the light, and the two filters running, that would keep...
  3. toxic_deviant

    Blood Shrimp died.... :(

    So I woke up this morning to find that my new Blood Shrimp molted, but then this legs came off.... I found him near the rear of the tank, upside down, the old exoskeleton a few inches away, legs scattered around him. I don't get it... My tank is a 3g Nano Salinity: 1.024 Temp: 72-74 Trates...
  4. toxic_deviant


    Thanks, glad to know I"m making the right decision....
  5. toxic_deviant


    Hey guys, I went out and purchased some LR for my new 3g Deco and one of the "rocks" turned out to be a clam. Its rounded and covered in purple and orange coralline, thus the reason I didn't notice I was picking out a clam amongst the rubble of my LFS's LR tank. Anyways, I'm thinking it's a...