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  1. happytank3

    Random Newb questions

    BTW I don't have a kit to test for mag/cal...about how much do those run?
  2. happytank3

    Random Newb questions

    Originally Posted by LexLuethar I don't think it was established or you had a few things dye on you, because you shouldn't have any ammonia once established. I would leave the PH alone, until you have more readings it is difficult to say if PH is a problem. What is your calcium? Mag? A PH of...
  3. happytank3

    Random Newb questions

    I have a 75 gal FOWLR and here are my recent para. 2/26/08 Temp 78.7 Ph 8.0 Ammonia .25 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 80 or more 1.022 hydrometer 2/28/08 Temp 78.7 Ph 7.8 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 160+ 1.023 hydrometer I've been testing frequently because this is a new (to me) established...
  4. happytank3

    Sick Angel

    It's okay thanks for you help though. I'm going to get some stuff straightened out with my tank before I mess with any more angels or more delicate fish. Livenlearn.
  5. happytank3

    never had a fish die?

    Does yesterday count? :(
  6. happytank3

    Sick Angel

    He died :(
  7. happytank3

    Sick Angel

    would those two diagnosis go with a fish not eating?
  8. happytank3

    Sick Angel

    Originally Posted by sepulatian No, don't put him out. Is the ammonia .25 in the display or in the quarantine tank? Was the quarantine tank cycled prior to you adding him? .25 in display tank. Yes, I think you're right about too much change in environment...maybe something I did wrong...
  9. happytank3

    Sick Angel

    There are (2) 3 stripe damsels, a cinnimon clown, a dusky jawfish and just a few snails, that I need to replenish. And the spinning angel :(
  10. happytank3

    Sick Angel

    I added water to the bag a little at a time over the span of and hour and a half while he floated. First time doing this process. Also I added 3 fish within a week. I heard that was not good to do. Ammonia is .25 Any way to stop him from spinning from shock or should I maybe think about...
  11. happytank3

    Sick Angel

    3 days old.
  12. happytank3

    Sick Angel

    My angel was sitting on his back fins vertically. I noticed something was wrong and then he started spinning on the bottom. I put him in a QT tank and still the same. Para. temp 78.6 ph 8.0 nitrite 0 nitrate 80 sal 1.023 No white spots or goo. He hasn't been eating either and he is new to...
  13. happytank3

    1st reading of relocated FOWLR tank

    Ph 8.0 Ammonia .25 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 80 <----I've read this is way high! hydrometer 1.022 I was told by the tanks previous owner to use tap water to fill the tank. From what I've read here this is a big NO-NO. How do I go about getting my Nitrate level down? Water changes are not a problem, I...
  14. happytank3

    New to saltwater

    Originally Posted by mcbdz Para. (parameters)= amm., nitrites, nitrates, cal., phosphates, mag., and what ever you plan to test for. It would be better to get the test with the little vials with the drops. The strips aren't as accurate. Clean up crew would be your hermits, snails, crabs...
  15. happytank3

    New to saltwater

    Water temp an even 77 deg. 1.023 I am going to get some strips today as the bottle that had them is empty. Another question is how long should I let this metal halide run daily? When to feed too? I been feeding them in the morning but I read that you should feed at night?
  16. happytank3

    New to saltwater

    Originally Posted by mcbdz The angel and clown are trying to establish who is going to be the boss. Hopefully they will eventually setup the different areas. Also long as you don't see any damage to either one you should be ok. My one question for you is are those bubbles in your water or is it...
  17. happytank3

    New to saltwater

    Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici It is normal for your clown to be digging with his tail,my gold banded maroon does this all day long.Hes basicly keeping his little home in order. Ok good I was worried why he does this and the others don't. Thanks for this info!
  18. happytank3

    New to saltwater

    I dunno, I'm new to saltwater too. You should put this question in your own thread I believe, as I have questions above that need some attention.
  19. happytank3

    New to saltwater

    Heres some pix
  20. happytank3

    New to saltwater

    I wanted to start off by saying that already I have learned a great deal from some threads posted for newbs! My girlfriends dad gave me his 75 gallon tank for Xmas and it has lots of live rock and sand. We transported it with water at half mast so we could keep the live rock living. It came...