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  1. corona877

    help with nitrate level

    my tank is a 55 gal its 6 weeks old so i did my first water change last monday. i have a yellow tang, 2 gobies, yellowtail damsel, pj cardinal, six line wrasse,2 ocel clowns, serpent star, starfish and then shrimp snails and crabs.
  2. corona877

    nitrate level

    my tank is about 6 weeks old i have some corals in it and then fish.. My yellow tang looks like he has white dots on him and to test the water i have little packets i dont know what the test kit is called and as far as lighting i only have what came with my tank im still waiting for my protein...
  3. corona877

    help with nitrate level

    my nitrate level is at 100 and im not sure how to get it down please help me
  4. corona877

    nitrate level

    i just tested my nitrate level and it was very high(100) can anybody tell me what i can do to get it back down?
  5. corona877

    55 gallon tank

    are the red lef hermit crabs aggresive i have the blue legged ones
  6. corona877

    55 gallon tank

    i also have a serpant star and a starfish..
  7. corona877

    choosing fish

    I have a 55 gallon tank and i was wondering what the best fish to put in are?
  8. corona877

    55 gallon tank

    right now i have two ocillaris clown fish,six line wrasse, pj cardinal fish and then i have some shrimps hermit crabs, snails and porcelain and emperor crabs
  9. corona877

    55 gallon tank

    i was wondering if anybody knew what salt water fish are good to put in a 55 gallon tank?