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  1. juniorzc88

    sebae help?!?!

    just got all new bulbs about 4 days ago...
  2. juniorzc88

    sebae help?!?!

    ok... first off i checked water parameters this morning everything is perfect... i have a 75 gallon tank with yes i know u will complain... but 520 whats of pc lighting... my tank has been running for about 3 years... i just got the anemone about a week ago and it was planted in a decent... not...
  3. juniorzc88

    Obama supporters. I have one question

    ok... first off obama is the one who is most about getting us out of the recession... (spelling) so if u want hillary good luck but obama goes for the younger crowd like myself and this whole war was bs.... we have found a whole lot of warheads ready to attack america havnt we....