Search results

  1. fmoss

    Good Algae for Bad

    My Fish Only tank grows algae like no one's business. I don't mind so much, but the algae that grows the most is of the Brown and Black variety. The colours that look more like excrement than any other. My Phosphates are low (.25 mg/L) and there is no direct lighting on tank (other than...
  2. fmoss

    Reef Supplies Down Under

    I am moving to Australia and one of the things I would like to do is to move from Fish Only to Reef setup. The problems is -- I have not yet been able to find an aquarium supply store in Australia where the staff didn't think salt was something that goes on popcorn. None of the Direct...
  3. fmoss

    Starting a New Tank

    I would like to solicit the opinions of the board on several subject concerning setting up a new tank. I have selected the aquarium itself, but not any of the filters or lighting so it is really a tabula rasa. I have decided to keep a mixed vertebrate and invertebrate environment. The tank is...
  4. fmoss

    What killed my fish?

    I have a 25 Gallon (yes, I know that is small) tank in my office. My tank recently developed a good Nitrogen Cycle and I had a bit of an algae problem (brown, green, red) but Phosphates were low .25mg/L. I had a Domino Damsel in the tank for the entire break-in period and he appeared to be in...