Search results

  1. robertg

    Difficulties with hard water build up? maybe...

    It appears that I have salt creep on the back of tank and no mater what I use it will not go away. The strange thing is when I wipe it down it seems that the glass is clean but if you wait a moment the image of fogginess on the glass returns. Any ideas what is going on and how to fix it? I have...
  2. robertg

    Beach Trip questions

    I read some other threads but nothing really was the same as my questions. First, if you pulled sand out from the ocean in Florida would the sand be okay to put in a tank? I understand sand on the shore is a little bit more dangerous because people throw trash etc.. Also, is there anything you...
  3. robertg

    Is this pop eye? you diagnose and offer advice.

    thanks for the info aqua I will def set up a QT tak
  4. robertg

    Is this pop eye? you diagnose and offer advice.

    Water readings are normal and the fish is relatively new.
  5. robertg

    Is this pop eye? you diagnose and offer advice.

    I will take these steps beth thanks. Today I got advice from a LFS to do a 3 minute freshwater dip. I did this and small white flakes came off of his eyes and alot came from his Gills. What does this mean exactly? Thanks.
  6. robertg

    Is this pop eye? you diagnose and offer advice.

    Thanks beth, but if the eyes are popped out it is only slightly and it does not appear that there is a growth on the eye but more of white cloudyness in the eyes.
  7. robertg

    Is this pop eye? you diagnose and offer advice.

    My flame angels eyes appear slightly cloudy.... What should I do? sorry not sure why the pictures are upside down...
  8. robertg

    Which Type of New Life spectrum for a Flame Angel!

    Yeah but what kind lol. Can you send me a link of the appropriate kind of NLS food for a flame angel. Thanks.
  9. robertg

    Which Type of New Life spectrum for a Flame Angel!

    Ohh thanks for the info I actually already have frozen angel food but I have liked how much the new life spectrum has brought out the color in my other fish so I wanted some for him too in order to mix up his meals. Any idea what the appropriate kind is?
  10. robertg

    Which Type of New Life spectrum for a Flame Angel!

    I just purchased a flame angel about a week ago. So far he has been eating very well, but I would like to get him a different type of new life spectum food because the current pellets are too small for him. What type do you reccomend?
  11. robertg

    Strange Red Leg Crab behavior (FATAL) Help please!

    I woke up this morning and found one of my grabs which appeared to be ripped out of its shell lying dead on the sand. Another grab cannot seem to get up off his side and the other crabs are showing similar behavior... The only two things different from yesterday are that I added a very small...
  12. robertg

    Aiptasia or Anenonme??

    ohh gosh thank you, when I bought the LR the guy said "ohh hey look its a small anenome and it had not taken that distinct shape of an aptaisia and then today boom it changed into that shaped and I was like omg its one!!
  13. robertg

    Aiptasia or Anenonme??

    I found this little guy on some LR I purchased and I want to ensure that he is not going to harm my fish thanks!
  14. robertg

    Looking to buy a Mated Pair of False Perc's!!!

    I am looking to buy a pair of mated and hopefully egg producing false percs. If you are willing to sell them to me just send me a PM thanks!
  15. robertg

    Looking for Mated Pair of False Perc's!

    If anyone is wanting to sell a mated pair false perc's I would gladly purchase them. I am wanting them to be already laying eggs but if they are not then it is okay. I live in Texas so if you are somewhere else in the US I will pay to have them shipped, Thanks!!
  16. robertg

    Mate & Breed in the new tank or old tank (Help me decide :)!!!

    My apologies if I have posted this in the wrong section. I have recently purchased a used 37 gallon tank and it is currently being cycled. I also have a much smaller tank that is up and running with one clown fish in it (The clown is clearly female by now judging by the size). I want to buy...
  17. robertg

    Red planaria or flatworms? or what???

    10-4 time to pwn some noob flatworms!
  18. robertg

    Red planaria or flatworms? or what???

    There are quite a few of these in my tank what are they and how do I destroy them! Click on it and u can see it much better
  19. robertg

    Starfish ID

    its brown and orange with small orange volcano shaped tips
  20. robertg

    I made a big mistake... any suggestions on help?

    the ones you listed are fairly sturdy they should be okay