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  1. keezer13

    saltwater vs freshwater filter?

    is there a difference between a fresh and saltwater filter or isnt there?! are they the same, or no!?
  2. keezer13

    12G Deluxe Nano Tank by Cube Masters - Your Thoughts?

    hey! First off love ur 29 gallon saw many pics, pure perfection! ok well i have a 14 gal. if u get it take out fan and squeeze it very hard, u should hear a light snap, the problem with the lighting is usually the fan! The 14 gallon leaks from right under the trim at the top, to fix this level...
  3. keezer13

    12G Deluxe Nano Tank by Cube Masters - Your Thoughts?

    hey! First off love ur 29 gallon saw many pics, pure perfection! ok well i have a 14 gal. if u get it take out fan and squeeze it very hard, u should hear a light snap, the problem with the lighting is usually the fan! The 14 gallon leaks from right under the trim at the top, to fix this leve
  4. keezer13

    live rock

    alright well i just started this 14 gallon biocube, could u tell me if this live rock looks stable because im deathly afraid of it falling and smashing my aquarium./Users/michaelkeezer/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2008/Mar 24, 2008/DSCN1005.JPG/Users/michaelkeezer/Pictures/iPhoto...
  5. keezer13

    alright well i have a 14 gallon biocube!?

    alright well i currently just bought a protein skimmer for my 14 gallon biocube yesterday, and hooked it up but the only thing im getting is water in the collection cup, no foam!? what is wrong with it!?