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  1. jdmae86

    Protein Skimmer Setup Pics?

    I have a 56 gallon corner setup... its been nice and healthy now for about 6 months w/ 2 pieces of live rock, eel, & 2 clowns. Now I want to add more live rock and soft coral in there. So I am thinking about getting a Octopus 110 for my tank. Its a in sump setup and I know it well fit in my...
  2. jdmae86

    Protein Skimmer for a 56 Corner?

    thanks joncat... thats who im going to order it from then
  3. jdmae86

    Protein Skimmer for a 56 Corner?

    I have been going back and fourth about which protein skimmer to get. First I looked at Seaclone 100. But then I started reading there crap. Then I looked at high dollar skimmers like Euro-Reef which is out of my price range. So now I'm at the Octopus 4" Needlewheel Skimmer NW-110. Anyone...